
Mind Body Spirit
close up of hands and feet of person standing and stretching on yoga mat - through yoga

Healing Addiction Through Yoga

When you go through substance abuse rehabilitation, your body and mind receive a bit of a reset. Detoxification may help your system purge harmful chemicals, and an introduction to proper nutrition starts the rebuilding process at the cellular level. Cognitive behavioral therapy and other forms of psychological awareness provide a road map for new understanding...
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family therapy

The Importance of Integrated Treatment in Substance Abuse

The Importance of Integrated Treatment in Substance Abuse   The mind, body, and spirit are found in all human beings. We think and feel with our minds, experience pleasure and pain within our bodies, and feel spiritually connected to a higher power. Substance abuse treatment should also encompass the whole person and incorporate the mind,...
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woman doing yoga outdoors

What Is Holistic Health?

What Is Holistic Health?   Holistic health is a term used to describe a whole person in terms of caring for the mind, body, and spirit.  If you have visited a physician lately, you might have noticed that the doctor or nurse practitioner asks about symptoms and overall general physical health.  You might be given...
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5 Health Benefits For Mind, Body, and Spirit, When You Get Sober

  You might not believe that quitting drugs and alcohol is going to make you feel any better than you do now, struggling in your active addiction. Here are some of the ways you are going to benefit in your health when you get sober:   Your body is clean and healthy: Drugs and alcohol...
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rock sculptures on the beach - balance

What Is the Cost of Balance?

Mind & Body As I work with people everyday who are trying so desperately to find a balance between the mind and body, I realize that everything has a cost. The question remains, how much are you willing to pay? What are you paying for? Is there a payment plan for balance? Is there a...
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handsome dark-haired man sitting on blue mat in lotus position

Experiencing Our Wholeness: Mind-Body-Spirit

The Cottonwood Tucson Experiential Wellness Program serves patients by offering tools for self-care, enhancing their ability to move through life successfully. Patients learn to rely on their strengths; get their needs met; and use their natural abilities and preferences to facilitate their transformation. We are committed to patients experiencing self-respect, relaxation, energy, compassion and joy....
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CARF - Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities NATSAP | National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs NAADAC newsweekpsych armor certified- veteran ready