The Importance of Integrated Treatment in Substance Abuse

The Importance of Integrated Treatment in Substance Abuse

The Importance of Integrated Treatment in Substance Abuse


The mind, body, and spirit are found in all human beings. We think and feel with our minds, experience pleasure and pain within our bodies, and feel spiritually connected to a higher power. Substance abuse treatment should also encompass the whole person and incorporate the mind, body, and spirit in recovery. Integrative treatment allows for all parts of an individual to be treated to ensure lasting and meaningful recovery.

Treatment of the Mind


The mind is the center of our thoughts and feelings and how we perceive the world around us. Substance abuse affects the mind and the emotional dependence on drugs and alcohol. The mind also controls the physical dependence on drugs and alcohol and how and when we experience cravings. To effectively heal the mind, treatment for substance abuse needs to include activities that change how we think and feel about substance abuse. Individual and group therapy are utilized to talk through feelings and gain perspective on our addictions. Treating the mind can also include meditation and learning mindfulness, which allow for focus and discovering who we truly are. Treating the mind can also include being with nature as a way to focus energy on the bigger picture. It is often peaceful to take a walk in nature and to truly feel the healing power found in water, mountains, trees, or just different scenery. Healing the mind will allow for greater insight into how substance abuse affects you and how you can change your thoughts and feelings to embrace recovery.

Treatment of the Body


The physical effects of substance abuse are often devastating. Once a person has decided to quit using drugs or alcohol, the body will continue to want the substance. Some people experience weakness, tiredness, anxiety, or nausea after quitting a substance. The body is trying to heal itself yet at the same time, is physically dependent on receiving that drug or drinking alcohol. It is important that if you think you might need medical care during recovery, please consult with a physician. Treating the body means treating the physical dependency and getting the body to a state of balance. Physically learning to live without alcohol or drugs will take patience, as your body adjusts to living without a substance.




The human spirit is resilient and through spiritual healing, one can experience peace and serenity with recovery. Following years of substance abuse, many people claim that they lost their ability to believe in a higher power. Often, the individual will lose faith as there was no one there spiritually to help them during the addiction. Once an addict enters treatment, finding spirituality will be important. Believing in a higher power, restoring faith, and building self-confidence through social support can help one to feel connected to something greater than themselves in order to achieve tranquility and a healing of the soul.
An integrative approach to treatment is necessary for healing the mind, the body, and the spirit from the effects of addiction, trauma, and mental health. Cottonwood Tucson offers critically acclaimed clinical care for men, women, and adolescents. Call us today for information on our internationally recognized programs. (888) 727-0441.

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