
couple talking to therapist

What Does an Interventionist Do?

When you’ve tried to talk to a friend or loved one about substance abuse or another addiction problem, there was probably considerable emotion and miscommunication. Now might be the time to enlist the help of a professional interventionist. This person can provide mediation between you and someone you care for who may be in trouble...
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worried woman with knees to chest

Models of Addiction Intervention

Models of Addiction Intervention   There are different models of interventions that are used to help a person with an addiction. These models include the Johnson Model, the Invitational Model, and the Field Model. There are also interventions that a friend or family member can use to assist the addict in getting the help they...
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man consoling upset woman

The Addicted Family

The Addicted Family   Most of us belong to a group of people referred to as our family.  We may define the participants of this family in different ways but the term family represents those that are closest to us emotionally and spiritually.  An addict’s family is no different than a non-addict’s family.  Each has...
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How Does Family History and Assessment Contribute To Individual Therapy?

How Does Family History and Assessment Contribute To Individual Therapy? At the beginning of most individual therapy sessions, the therapist will conduct an assessment and obtain information regarding family history.  The assessment is used to gather as much information about you as possible to help you.  The therapist wants to know some basic information about...
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Brooke Shields: A Little Girl All Grown Up Who Doesn’t Want To Be A Victim

 Brooke Shields at Naval Air Station, Pensacola in 1986. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very good indeed, But when she was bad she was horrid.  ……….Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Brooke Shields was the little girl…...
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Part 2: Binge Drinking News ~ Are Colleges Doing Enough?

Logo of the United States National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, part of the National Institutes of Health. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Part 2: College, binge drinking and more   What are the consequences of college drinking? Depending on your own life experience, you may already be aware of the consequences of college drinking, or...
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ADDICTED word on black background

ADDICTED: Discovery Fit and Health’s TV Docu-Series

Photo of LG home television screen Have you seen Discovery Fit and Health‘s TV docu-series ADDICTED?   ADDICTED features interventionist Kristina Wandzilak working with individuals who are struggling with addiction; viewers are able to watch how the disease of addiction affects not only the addict but the family as well. Each episode is a journey…following...
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CAP – Addiction And Mental Health Comprehensive Evaluation

Have you ever been drawn into a family medical emergency? Most times the diagnosis is straightforward: The patient is evaluated during an office visit or presents at an emergency room and after reviewing the symptoms and perhaps running a few routine tests a course of treatment is proposed for the patient. Occasionally the diagnosis is...
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Elderly People Needing Treatment

Typically, as people get older they require more medical attention and may be prescribed medication for anything from high blood pressure to prescription opiates for an old knee injury. People are living a lot longer than before and as a result people may end up taking prescription drugs for extended periods of time. In Florida,...
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