

Heroin Is Abundant And Deadly: Chances Are You Know A Heroin Addict

Glee cast (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Heroin in the news… Given that on July 13, 2013, Cory Monteith was found deceased in his hotel room and the coroner later confirmed that Mr. Monteith died of a mixed drug toxicity involving alcohol and heroin many people are trying to understand how and why this happened. For sure fans of the...
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“Double Double” Mother And Son Recall Their Descent Into Alcoholism And Their Own Recovery

Making a Summer Reading list… Do you remember when you were in grammar school, middle school, or high school and a teacher would send you home for Summer vacation season with a “Summer Reading List?” For some students the list was welcomed, for others it would be a source of angst perhaps because they did not...
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AAFP and NIDA’s Addiction Performance Project: “Long Day’s Journey Into Night”

This the Radio City Music Hall in New York, New York (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Did you watch the TONY Awards on Sunday, June 9, 2013? This past Sunday the TONY Awards was held at Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan, hosted by Neil Patrick Harris. According to the Nielsen Ratings 7.2 million people tuned in...
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“HOOKED: When Addiction Hits Home” ~ A Book For Those 12 And Older

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller The feeling of being alone, experiencing something that no one else could possibly understand, believing there is no person you can share your “story” with…this is how a young child may feel when they live with someone who suffers from addiction....
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Look For The “Silver Linings Playbook” ~ It Might Shine For You

Look For The Silver Lining Look for the silver lining When e’er a cloud appears in the blue. Remember some where the sun is shining, And so the right thing to do, Is make it shine for you. A heart, full of joy and gladness, Will always banish sadness and strife. So always look for...
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A “Family Program” Is About Creating Change – Change In You And Change In your Family Dynamic

US journalist and commentator Bill Moyers (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I will never forget the first day at the family program when he was in treatment and a family of five from a Southern city – the father a successful banker and leader in the community – trooped in like bedraggled creatures who had been caught...
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closeup child writing in class - awareness

ADHD Awareness Week 2012 – ADHD News – ‘Let’s Pay Attention’

“Walk a mile in my shoes, just walk a mile in my shoes, before you abuse, criticize and accuse then walk a mile in my shoes…” (song written by Joe South and recorded by Elvis Presley) ADHD in the News This week the news is filled with articles about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Had you noticed?...
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Did You Know October Is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month?

Advocacy Is your calendar full? Think about this: there are 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 days in each year. It seems for every one of these days, weeks or months there are specific causes that promoters want us to advance by sharing the message, promoting donations, and encouraging engagement. This is called advocacy.  So...
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Prescribing Adderall: Are We Treating ADHD Or Trying To Prevent Poor Grades?

Juxtaposed News Headlines This week there are two news stories that seem to be bumping up against each other. If these two news items don’t present a serious call to action, then at the very least they should be thought provoking for parents, teachers and physicians. Consider each of these headlines: A Nobel prize winner,...
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Cottonwood Tucson Announces The 2013 InnerPath Retreat Schedule

Time to renew our edges… “What a robust people, what a nation of thinkers we might be, if we would only lay ourselves on the shelf occasionally and renew our edges!” Do you recognize this quote that invites you to imagine how your life could improve, if on occasion you made the time to renew...
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