

The “Dark Side” of Bipolar Disorder

“I haven’t lost my mind, it lost me.” The sobering words of late sci-fi fantasy icon Carrie Fisher, better known around the world as Princess Leia, are chilling to say the least. While Fisher is best known for her cinnamon bun hairdos and brandishing laser blasters, she was also an advocate for mental health and...
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Learning From A Relapse

Today is the 5th of July, and we at Cottonwood Tucson sincerely hope that everyone working a program of recovery was able to navigate through the 3-day holiday weekend without having to use a mind altering substance. If you were able to do so, then it is an accomplishment for which you can be proud....
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California Gov. Pardons Robert Downey Jr.

Addiction brings people to the depths of despair, stripping individuals of their humanity – causing them to do things that put their life and the lives of others at risk. It’s rare to find a recovering addict or alcoholic who does not have a criminal record, the result of past indiscretions. Many people find recovery...
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Driving Under the Influence Declines Among Teens and Young Adults

Many addicts and alcoholics are first introduced to 12-step recovery after experiencing a driving under the influence (DUI) arrest. Judges will often order those convicted of DUIs to attend 12-Step meetings and/or attend an outpatient substance use disorder treatment facility for therapy groups. Getting arrested for a DUI does not necessarily mean that a person...
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Step Into Life: A Foot Journey Across America

People living a life of recovery traveled a rocky road to get where they are today. Both addiction and recovery are journeys, while the former a road to the depths of solitude and despair – the latter is one of hope and renewal. Many addicts spend many years alone, struggling to make ends meet and...
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TRIBEof9.ORG ~ A New Space For Conversation

Continuing care planning… Research indicates that individuals who continue therapy following inpatient treatment have a higher likelihood of maintaining recovery behavior. Understanding the value of aftercare, our treatment staff places a strong emphasis on developing a comprehensive aftercare plan reflective of each patient’s individual needs. Each discharging patient is provided with continuing care referrals responsive...
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crowd of people on the street - scott strode

Meet Scott Strode: One Of 10 Top CNN Heroes 2012

Everyday people who change the world If you tune in regularly to CNN, then you might be familiar with CNN Heroes.  CNN originated this show in 2007 hosted by Anderson Cooper. Ordinary citizens nominate everyday people who they feel make extraordinary contributions to humanitarian aid.  Starting each January and continuing through each week of the...
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FLIGHT ~ A High And Mighty View Of Alcoholism

First, movies entertain It’s true, we go to the movies to be entertained. We enjoy dramas, light hearted comedies, romantic comedies, science fiction, historical re-creations, horror, children’s fantasies, musicals, foreign films, mysteries and documentaries. Then there are days when we watch a film that weaves a story so cleverly we find ourselves pulled into the...
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A “Family Program” Is About Creating Change – Change In You And Change In your Family Dynamic

US journalist and commentator Bill Moyers (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I will never forget the first day at the family program when he was in treatment and a family of five from a Southern city – the father a successful banker and leader in the community – trooped in like bedraggled creatures who had been caught...
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Are You A Friend of Bill W.?

AA Big Book (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Alcoholics and addicts check-in to treatment centers almost every day of every year. Most receive a gift…The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). For many it is their first introduction to AA and for others it is a re-introduction. It is not unusual for someone to know the exact...
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