
young couple holding hands

The Spouse and Gambling Addiction

The Spouse and Gambling Addiction Relationships are affected by addiction including social relationships, work relationships, and family relationships.  The spouse of an addict also experiences the effect of addiction.  Gambling addiction is a disorder where participation in gambling activities becomes necessary and the individual cannot stop.  A person gambles despite negative consequences including increasing debt,...
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The Problem Gambler’s Thought Processes

The Problem Gambler’s Thought Processes A gambler has many thoughts throughout the day.  Where can I gamble today?  Who can I borrow money from so I can gamble today?  How will I hide my gambling from my spouse or my boss?  These are just some of the questions that the gambler will have.  There are...
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Gambling Activities

Gambling Activities Individuals with a gambling addiction engage in a number of different gambling activities.  These activities can include bingo, lottery, poker, slot machines, casino games, sports betting, or other online games.  Some consider the stock market or scratcher cards as gambling activities as well.  For the individual with a gambling addiction, there is typically...
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Five Myths About Problem Gambling

Five Myths About Problem Gambling 1. Problem gambling is really about not having enough money to gamble with. The truth is problem gambling has little to do with money, either having too much of it or not having enough to participate in gambling activities.  Money is the means in which to gamble but even those...
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Why Can’t Some People Stop Gambling?

Why Can’t Some People Stop Gambling? From the outside looking in, many people might think that gambling can be stopped at any time.  For the problem gambler, this is not the case.  Problem gamblers spend huge amounts of money, sell everything they own, and destroy their life simply to stay in the game.  It is...
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Do You Experience Cravings In Gambling?

Do You Experience Cravings In Gambling? There is new research that supports gambling addiction acts on the brain the same as drugs or alcohol.  It may seem strange because gamblers do not ingest a substance; therefore, how can they crave gambling. There is reason to believe that connections between certain parts of the brain that...
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Inpatient Problem Gambling Treatment

  Inpatient Problem Gambling Treatment If you are one of the 2 million individuals who have gambling disorder, you may have thought about treatment.  There are inpatient gambling treatment programs that might help.  These facilities have trained specialists who understand gambling disorder, including the behaviors behind gambling addiction. An inpatient gambling treatment program is much...
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Who Is Responsible for the Onset of Gambling Addiction?

  Who Is Responsible for the Onset of Gambling Addiction? With the bright lights, free drinks, and flashing signs of how much you can win, it might seem that casinos have something to do with the development of compulsive gambling.  The truth is, a casino is a business, designed to turn a profit like any...
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Is Gambling a Compulsivity Problem?

Gambling is a social activity for millions of people.  Many can go to a weekly poker game or to a casino and play $20 and leave regardless of winning or losing.  If a person plays with any consistency, there is the chance that the person will cross over into compulsive gambling.  Currently, there are an...
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Cognitive Dissonance and Internet Addiction

Human beings’ reliance on technology is a growing concern among many in the field of both psychology and addiction. You need only take a look around to see examples of technology grabbing hold of people, and in effect changing how we communicate with one another. There was a time when you could sit at the...
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