

Parents Meet PALCOHOL ~ Just Add Water!

Fda (Photo credit: Wikipedia) PALCOHOL – AKA Powdered Alcohol We want to take just a few minutes today to introduce our readers to PALCOHOL, short for powdered alcohol. Yes, we said powdered. PALCOHOL comes in a one ounce 4 X 6 inch package and according to the latest news on March 10, 2015, PALCOHOL received...
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Colleges Grapple With Alcohol Abuse

English: The Mountainlair is the Student Union building at West Virginia University (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Grapple is an old-fashion word… You don’t often hear someone use the word “grapple” or the phrase “grappling with;” today we are using it in the sense of being engaged in a struggle or to try to overcome or deal...
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Friends Are Waiting…For You To Drink Responsibly

Do you drink responsibly? This is one of those questions that can catch you off guard. Think about the last time you had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, or maybe a few beers while watching a sporting event on television…or there is the neighborhood barbecue, the family reunion, the wedding, or even...
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Rethinking Your Drinking: Why Not Start The Conversation?

Black Russian (Photo credit: Wikipedia) How potent are the cocktails you’re being served? This time of year we often find we are invited to summertime barbecues, holiday parties, and outings to the ocean, lake or river. If you or one of your family members is in recovery from alcoholism, then you know how alcoholic drinks...
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Study: “Cool” Kids Seem To Struggle With Adulthood

The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Every generation has their “cool” kids… It’s true. If you think back to your own grammar and high-school days there might be certain classmates that you thought of as “cool.” Maybe you even wanted to be one of the “cool” kids. Perhaps secretly you liked...
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Alcohol Infused News Part 2

Sometimes news headlines seem to collide…Part 2 Yesterday in Part 1 of our Alcohol Infused News post we shared two news / opinion items that dealt with alcohol and alcohol use disorder (AUD). As we mentioned, the message delivered in those two items were juxtaposed; however, both could be used to start a conversation. Research...
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Alcohol Infused News Part 1

Sometimes news headlines seem to collide…Part 1 This week it seems news items about alcohol use are or should be juxtaposed. Simply put, there are four items we are sharing with you this week, two today and two tomorrow. Each could provide an impetus to start a conversation about how we view alcohol use and...
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Attention Parents: ‘Smoking’ Alcohol Is Dangerous And Addictive

Have you heard about “smoking alcohol?” We are not talking about smoking & alcohol! Be sure and read today’s question very carefully: we did not ask if you have heard about “smoking and alcohol.”  We asked if you’ve heard about “smoking alcohol,” not drinking alcohol but “smoking alcohol.” If you’re the parent of a teenager(s)...
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SAMHSA Reports: ER Visits Increased By 220% Resulting From Zolpidem Use

Once again Zolpidem is in the news… On May 1, 2013, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) issued a press release announcing that according to a new report there is a sharp rise in emergency departments visits which involve zolpidem (the sleep medication).  The report referenced is: Emergency Department Visits for Adverse...
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Tucson Libraries Feature Services Of Public Health Nurses To Improve Physical And Mental Health

Henry Ward Beecher. Library of Congress description: “Henry Ward Beecher” (Photo credit: Wikipedia) “A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.” Henry Ward Beecher When was the last time you visited your public library?  You’ll notice when we asked this question we used the possessive pronoun “your”, as opposed to...
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