

Rural Teens and Risky Behavior

Teenagers who do not stay involved with extracurricular activities, such as volunteering, are more likely to get into trouble with drugs and alcohol. It is well known that idle time is the devil’s hand maiden, especially for the younger age groups who are easily influenced by their peers. In rural communities across the country teenagers...
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Remembering Dr. Morris E. Chafetz

UPI/NY Times This week we should all take time to remember someone who played a very important role in how the public views addiction. Dr. Morris E. Chafetz played a major role changing the public’s perception; alcoholism went from being a moral failing and social crime to the disease model we know today as a...
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The Economy and Addiction

The economy and substance abuse rates have a lot to do with each other; when times are bad people tend to excessively use alcohol and drugs, when times are good people do this less. As we plunge deeper into recession and more people are finding themselves homeless due to foreclosures, people are turning to drugs...
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Young Adults Lack Skills Requiring More Help

Making the decision to enter a drug and alcohol treatment facility is a big deal and is often times one of the hardest decisions that an addict has to make in their entire life. Most addicts would love to be freed of the bondage of drugs and alcohol, but despite that addicts will continue to...
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Romantic Partner's Friends Influence Teen Drinking

It is no secret that peer pressure is a part of teen life; classrooms and teen social gatherings are often breeding grounds for pressuring one’s peers. Who teenagers associate with heavily influences decisions that are made, sometimes in a good way but more often than not in a bad way. It turns out that one’s...
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Alcohol Ignition Blood Test

Everyday, people make the choice to get behind the wheel after they have been drinking and in many cases they make it home or to their next destination. Unfortunately, we all know that drunk drivers get into accidents all the time, taking their life and potentially the lives of others. Drunk driving isn’t a joke,...
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The More Friends You Have, The More Likely You Are to Drink

High school is a time for new experiences and self-discovery aided by those who surround you. New friends are made, old friends make new friends, and everyone lives their life in their own circle or clique; the people who surround you are often one’s biggest influence. A number of high school students are introduced to...
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