Sometimes news headlines seem to collide…Part 2

Yesterday in Part 1 of our Alcohol Infused News post we shared two news / opinion items that dealt with alcohol and alcohol use disorder (AUD). As we mentioned, the message delivered in those two items were juxtaposed; however, both could be used to start a conversation.

Research results highlight use of pharmacotherapy with AUD

This week the Journal of the American Medical Association published Pharmacotherapy for Adults With Alcohol Use Disorders in Outpatient Settings. Lead author is Daniel D. Jonas, MD, MPH from the Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The researchers’ objective was to review all the meta-analysis of previously conducted studies regarding medications prescribed for adults with alcohol use disorder. The researchers observed that there are four drugs – Acamprosate (Campral), naltrexone (Revia), nalmefene (Selincro) and topiramate (Topamax) which can help patients stop drinking. However, Dr. Jonas observes:

“Most people with alcohol use disorders aren’t getting any treatment, and only about 10 percent are getting a medication as part of their treatment.”

These scientists reviewed in excess of 120 research studies (each study found that medication had helped alcoholics reduce their drinking). The 120 studies included 22,803 patients who suffered from alcoholism and/or abused alcohol. The studies each examined one of the four drugs mentioned above with the majority being naltrexone or acamprosate. There were also a few studies that dealt with disulfiram (Antabuse).

Below you will find a number of related articles. Take the time to read these. Many interesting observations are provided by experts who treat alcohol use disorder. It is important to remember that Dr. Jonas and his team are quick to point out that almost all patients that were part of this study also were receiving some sort of behavioral treatment and participating in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The news from this study is that the approved medications do work, but are seldom prescribed.

Parents: Do you know what “vaping” alcohol is?

Our regular readers may remember a post we published a few months back about vaping. At the time we were focused on e-Cigarettes and provided an overview of the new way people are using nicotine. But this week we came across a news story dealing with teens vaping alcohol.

CBS News New York aired this report.

If you are having trouble viewing the video, you can see it here.

There is no doubt that this video about vaping alcohol is powerful. Share this information with other parents, teachers, co-workers, friends and neighbors.

Some thoughts…

In the CBS report they closed with an instructive statement: “Researchers say another risk of vaping is that the rapid rush of alcohol to the brain makes it more addictive than regular drinking.” Take some time to speak with teens and young adults that you know. Make them aware of the dangers of vaping alcohol.

Each of these news stories offers an opportunity to start a conversation.

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