

New Study: Some Suicidal Adolescents And Young Adults Have Access To Firearms

Safety proofing our homes… When was the last time you walked around your home and thought about safety? Just the other day a friend mentioned that she was going to be taking care of her 10 month old granddaughter for a few days. It occurred to her that she had not thought about baby-proofing her...
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Study: ADHD Lasts Into Adulthood And Can Be Coupled With Psychiatric Disorders

“Don’t worry; he’ll grow out of it!” If you are a parent, then you might remember your parent(s) or grandparent(s) offering you a comforting bit of wisdom when your child was repeating a negative behavior: “Don’t worry; he’ll grow out of it!” Sometimes the it was a simple thing like trying to ride the dog...
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ATTENTION: The CDC Reports Numbing Statistics About Women and Girls Binge Drinking

Female friendly alcohol marketing Do you have 31 seconds to watch a television ad featuring “cake and caramels”? Who doesn’t like cake or caramels? If you are having trouble viewing the video, see it here. Obviously this ad is not about “cake and caramels”, but vodka! CDC Report: A Serious, Under-Recognized Problem Among Women and...
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US Navy Battles “Bath Salts” – Watch Their Powerful PSA

“Old fashioned bath salts…” When bath salts really were bath salts… Yes, there was a time, up until a few years ago, if people were discussing bath salts it had to do with taking a relaxing bath to soothe your skin and regroup. These bath salts were originally designed to mimic a mineral bath or...
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Teen Dating Violence Could Be A Predictor For Adult Health Problems

New study examines teen dating violence The results of a new study were published on-line December 10, 2012, in the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics: Longitudinal Associations Between Teen Dating Violence Victimization and Adverse Health Outcomes. This research was conducted by Deinera Exner-Cortens, MPH, John Eckenrode, PhD, and Emily Rothman, ScD. Both...
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Teenage Girls: Depression Rates Rising

Adolescence: the transitional period between puberty and adulthood in human development, extending mainly over the teen years and terminating legally when the age of majority is reached. ( The operative word in this definition is transitional. We talk about our children “going through” adolescence, as if it were a quiet walk in the park. We...
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Is Your Teenage Daughter Binge Drinking?

English: Smiling teenage girls. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Do you have a teenage daughter?  Do you ever wonder where she really is when she says she is going out with friends?  Do you keep your cell phone close at hand, just in case she calls or texts you? Do you wait up until she is “safely”...
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Pinterest and Eating Disorders

English: Red Pinterest logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) How many social networks do you belong to? Perhaps you have a Facebook profile, maybe a Twitter account, LinkedIn professional profile…the sheer number of social networking platforms is mind boggling and more are introduced it seems every few weeks. It has been almost a year since Google+ was...
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boy drinking milkshake at restaurant

Pre-Teen Eating Habits May Predict Eating Disorders

Part of the bumpy ride can include parents being observant of their pre-teen’s eating habits. It seems simple enough; however, a new study is now indicating that young girls’ food choices can be a predictor of their risk of developing an eating disorder as teenagers. The researchers, headed by associate director of the division of...
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