ATTENTION: The CDC Reports Numbing Statistics About Women and Girls Binge Drinking

Female friendly alcohol marketing

Do you have 31 seconds to watch a television ad featuring “cake and caramels”? Who doesn’t like cake or caramels?

Obviously this ad is not about “cake and caramels”, but vodka!

CDC Report: A Serious, Under-Recognized Problem Among Women and Girls – Binge Drinking

This week the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Vital Signs report on Binge Drinking, particularly noting that it is a serious, under-recognized problem among women and girls.

“Binge drinking is a dangerous behavior but is not widely recognized as a women’s health problem. Drinking too much – including binge drinking* – results in about 23,000 deaths in women and girls each year. Binge drinking increases the chances of breast cancer, heart disease, sexually transmitted diseases, unintended pregnancy, and many other health problems. Drinking during pregnancy can lead to sudden infant death syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.”

Consider these facts…

  •  About 1 in 8 women aged 18 years and older and 1 in 5 high school girls
    binge drink.
  • Women who binge drink do so frequently – about 3 times a
    month – and have about 6 drinks per binge.
  • It also was most prevalent among women living in households with annual incomes of $75,000 or higher.
  • Women and girls metabolize, or process, alcohol differently than men and boys.

Looking ahead…

There is a good chance that many of our readers are not surprised by parts of the CDC report: Parents of teenagers and young adults have probably noticed or suspected binge drinking; college students can’t ignore what they are witnessing weekly as they party with friends; people in the workplace environment still look forward to happy hour; and restaurant employees undoubtedly observe binge drinking every night of the week. However, the attention grabbing fact presented by the CDC report should make us all take notice: Drinking too much (including binge drinking) results in 23,000 deaths of women and girls each year in the United States. This fact alone should get our attention.

If you have time today, check out some of Cottonwood Tucson’s programs, assessment quizzes, and previous posts about binge drinking.  And remember, binge drinking and its aftermath is not glamorous…it is life threatening!

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