

Alcoholics Prone to Cancer

It is no secret to most people that excessive drinking seriously impacts one’s health. Alcohol addiction starts people down a road that leads to a number of health problems; liver failure, pancreatitis, and “wet brain” are some of the most common. However, a new report has linked alcoholism to a number of forms of cancer....
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Marijuana Petition Rejected

This week, The White House rejected a petition with 75,000 signatures asking for marijuana to be legalized and regulated in the same way alcohol is regulated. Known as the “We the People” project, The White House promises to respond quickly to any petition if it receives enough signatures. According to the “We the People” website,...
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Remembering Dr. Morris E. Chafetz

UPI/NY Times This week we should all take time to remember someone who played a very important role in how the public views addiction. Dr. Morris E. Chafetz played a major role changing the public’s perception; alcoholism went from being a moral failing and social crime to the disease model we know today as a...
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Rescheduling Hydrocodone Delays Continue

Hydrocodone or Vicodin as it is known best is one of the most abused prescription narcotics available. While it may not be as strong as oxycodone it is still highly addictive and has the potential to take lives. This is why over the last 12 years the federal government, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and...
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The Economy and Addiction

The economy and substance abuse rates have a lot to do with each other; when times are bad people tend to excessively use alcohol and drugs, when times are good people do this less. As we plunge deeper into recession and more people are finding themselves homeless due to foreclosures, people are turning to drugs...
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pile of syringes - needles

California Legalizes Needle Exchanges

Drug use and the spread of disease often go hand in hand, especially when addicts use drugs intravenously. In the past it was difficult to acquire clean syringes. Over the years a number of organizations have worked hard to provide addicts with access to clean needles, but there are still a lot of people who...
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Young Adults Lack Skills Requiring More Help

Making the decision to enter a drug and alcohol treatment facility is a big deal and is often times one of the hardest decisions that an addict has to make in their entire life. Most addicts would love to be freed of the bondage of drugs and alcohol, but despite that addicts will continue to...
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Giving Opiate Addicts Parolees Naltrexone

In the United States our prisons and jails house more people convicted of drug offenses than any other offense. Jail and prison for most of the 20th century has been the government’s answer to the drug problem. While the system has improved in the last two decades, as far as offering treatment instead of jail...
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Elderly People Needing Treatment

Typically, as people get older they require more medical attention and may be prescribed medication for anything from high blood pressure to prescription opiates for an old knee injury. People are living a lot longer than before and as a result people may end up taking prescription drugs for extended periods of time. In Florida,...
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Falling off my bike at age fifty-seven

Falling Off My Bike at Age Fifty-Seven It was a great idea. I had a meeting at 7:15 am and it was only three miles each way. I was going to get in a meeting and my exercise in one fell swoop. At the meeting everyone was adequately impressed with my aging attempt at cardio...
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