

How to Speak to your Family about your Recovery

Speaking to your family about your recovery is a crucial part of the healing process. It can seem like a real challenge, especially if you’re embarrassed and remorseful for your behavior while you were using. Knowing that they’ve seen you at your worst can be a lot to bare. Yet shedding light on the situation...
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How To Approach a Loved One About Going To Treatment For Mental Health

Using “I” statements is important for healthy communication when approaching a loved one about going to treatment for mental health. Avoiding statements which use “you” is helpful in avoiding any misinterpretations of accusations and blame, which typically lead to defensiveness and denial. Instead of you need help try I am worried about your wellbeing. During...
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College Students Less Likely to be Advised by Doctors on Substance Use

Screening college students for alcohol and drug use is of the utmost importance, crucial for spotting problems early and referring students toward appropriate assistance. Unfortunately, substance use problems often go unnoticed; problems get out of hand and serious consequences can result. It is no secret that college campuses can be hotbeds of reckless drinking and...
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Stimulating Environments May Diminish Drug Cravings

Addiction is a complex disease that scientists continue to unravel; the hope being that findings will help reduce addiction rates and develop more effective forms of addiction treatment. It has been argued that environment plays a large role in addiction, and that altering an individual’s surroundings can influence addictive behavior. New research suggests that a...
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CARF - Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities NATSAP | National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs NAADAC newsweek