

Economic Uncertainty Leads to More Alcohol Use

Why do people consume alcohol? There are number of answers to that question, but most people will probably say that they drink to let loose for a bit – giving their mind a break after a long week at work. Let’s face it, alcohol can ease people’s mind allowing them a reprieve from the day...
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College Students Less Likely to be Advised by Doctors on Substance Use

Screening college students for alcohol and drug use is of the utmost importance, crucial for spotting problems early and referring students toward appropriate assistance. Unfortunately, substance use problems often go unnoticed; problems get out of hand and serious consequences can result. It is no secret that college campuses can be hotbeds of reckless drinking and...
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Report Finds Teen Marijuana and Heroin Use On The Rise

Teenage substance abuse is a major concern in the United States, minimizing adolescent exposure to mind altering substances that can disrupt the course of one’s life is of the greatest importance. As the nation continues the fight against the opioid epidemic in America and comes to terms with the growing marijuana tolerance in several states,...
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Baby Boomers Drinking At Unsafe Levels

Unsafe drinking practices are most commonly associated with teenagers and young adults. While the association is not erroneous, there are other age groups whose alcohol consumption is of concern. New research suggests that many “baby boomers” are consuming alcohol at unsafe levels, ScienceDaily reports. Researchers at King’s College London have found that one in five...
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Protective Strategies for Safe Drinking May Backfire

Many college students engage in drinking alcohol, and in many ways consuming alcohol is a big part of college life. College campuses around the country make alcohol a top priority, discouraging the practice of binge drinking and driving under the influence. While such campaigns may make an impression on students, causing students to be proactive...
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Pilot Project: Pregnancy Tests in Bar Bathrooms

The science is irrefutable; consuming alcohol during pregnancy can lead to serious, lifelong health problems for a child. While most women are aware of this, every year a significant number of babies are born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), more commonly referred to as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Unfortunately, many women are unaware of...
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Binge Drinking May Alter Brain Maturation

Binge drinking is a common practice among teenagers and young adults. Drinking as much as you can, as fast as you can carries with it a number of risks. While the most common danger associated with binge drinking is alcohol poisoning, new research from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine indicates that...
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Good Samaritan Laws Prevent Deaths And More

How much do you know about Good Samaritan Laws? We tend to reference Good Samaritan laws when we talk about being witness to an accident or happening upon someone who is having a medical emergency. Our natural instinct is to want to assist the person or to call for assistance. Historically, Good Samaritan laws were...
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Friends Are Waiting…For You To Drink Responsibly

Do you drink responsibly? This is one of those questions that can catch you off guard. Think about the last time you had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, or maybe a few beers while watching a sporting event on television…or there is the neighborhood barbecue, the family reunion, the wedding, or even...
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Parents Should Understand Hosting Teen Parties Can Bring Repercussions

Parenting comes with many responsibilities. Each stage of a child’s life is impacted by a parent’s actions. And now some parents are finding their own actions and a decision regarding hosting a party for their teen comes with much personal risk. It is May; a month filled with life passages and celebrations. We have proms,...
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