

A Plan for Recovery this Christmas

Today is Christmas Eve and hopefully the stress of shopping and traveling has come to an end. Now, you are probably thinking you can breathe a sigh of relief, relaxing for the remainder of the holiday. But if you are working a program of recovery, that might not be the best course of action. Surely,...
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27 Million People Abuse Drugs or Alcohol

The U.S. Surgeon General recently released a report which painted a grim picture of the seriousness of addiction in America. While many of the report’s figures may not come as much of a surprise, considering the fact that we continue to grapple with an opioid epidemic, when you step back  in order to grasp the...
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Surgeon General’s First Addiction Report

It has been just over 50 years since the United States Surgeon General issued a report, highlighting the dangers of tobacco use. Back in 1964, the little research available indicated a direct link between cigarettes and cancer. The 1960’s was a time of change in America on several different levels, from “civil rights” to an...
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Veterans Day and Treating PTSD

Veterans Day Today is Veterans Day, a time for every American to acknowledge the brave men and women who have served in the armed forces. Across the country, people are gathering for parades and events to honor those who have made the greatest sacrifice for this country. However, Veterans Day is about more than parades,...
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Alcohol Related Health Problems Later in Life

If you are the parent of a teenage son or daughter, there is a chance that you may be OK with him or her having a drink of alcohol from time to time. You may set down guidelines, such as only drinking at home, or only drinking in situations that there will not be any...
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Tattoo Reads Blood Alcohol Content

People consume alcohol for a number of reasons, some of which are not good. When asked why someone drinks, one of the more common responses is that they drink to be more convivial. After a long day or long week, drinking is a typical pastime engaged in around the world. While alcohol in small amounts,...
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A Compulsive Binge Eating Breakthrough

Addiction is a disease that typically describes a person who has trouble refraining from using drugs and alcohol. Such people will continue to abuse mind altering substances despite the effects that is has on one’s life. And while it is possible for one to recover from addiction and repair the damage of their past, it...
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College Parties Without Alcohol

Young adults who are actively working a program of recovery often find it difficult to take part in college partying. Being around drugs and alcohol is not conducive to keeping one’s program on track, as it has been known to lead to relapse. However, the college years are not about being a stick in the...
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Addiction: A New Role Model

We all need role models in life. Having someone to look up to can help guide one on their course to potential success. Millions of adolescent American boys look up to professional baseball players, hoping that one day that they will be able play ball on national television. Professional athletes inspire people around the globe...
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mental health, Esketamine for Treatment-Resistant Depression

Treating Depression With Esketamine

Depression is a mental health disorder which affects millions of Americans, and even more around the globe. Left untreated, this mental illness can severely impact the quality of one’s life. People will often turn to drugs and/or alcohol to cope. While self-medication may provide some temporary relief, in the long run such actions only serve...
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