
12 steps
12 steps help with mental health recovery

Can the 12 Steps Help with Mental Health Recovery?

Can the 12 steps help with mental health recovery? Like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), there are 12-step groups that are designed to offer support for individuals suffering from a mental illness. The 12 steps are replications of those in AA, and are centered around spirituality and helping individuals understand themselves and their illness while forming a...
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How Do I Become Spiritual In Recovery?

What does it mean to be spiritual? Can we become spiritual or are we already spiritual, perhaps in dormancy? One “spiritual” philosophy is that we are not human beings who have spiritual experiences, but spiritual beings chronically having human experiences. At once we are connected to our humanity- the fact that we are physical beings...
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What Are The Signs of Progress In Addiction Treatment?

The signs of progress are sometimes obvious and sometimes subtle. For those watching and supporting your journey, your changes will be more evident. For you, it might be more difficult to tell where you’re really progressing. Here are some of the less obvious signs of progress in addiction treatment. There Is Far Less Ego Addiction...
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Learning From A Relapse

Today is the 5th of July, and we at Cottonwood Tucson sincerely hope that everyone working a program of recovery was able to navigate through the 3-day holiday weekend without having to use a mind altering substance. If you were able to do so, then it is an accomplishment for which you can be proud....
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