
compulsive behavior
looking through cracked bedroom door at sad woman with head on her knees - sex addiction

What Is Sex Addiction?

An Overview Our culture has many misconceptions involving sex addiction. Sex makes us uncomfortable, and we attach to it aspects of morality that make it even more difficult to talk about. All of this makes it challenging to recognize the differences between a healthy sex life and a damaging, compulsive one. Compulsive sexual behavior disorder,...
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couple physically involved in bedroom

Sex Addiction

Sex Addiction Sex addiction has nothing to do with sex.  As with any addiction, it is a way to relieve feelings associated with depression, loneliness, and a sense of emptiness.  Many sex addicts live with guilt and shame; the same as an alcoholic or drug addict.  Sex addiction can include any number of behaviors including...
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What Is Compulsive Buying Disorder?

What Is Compulsive Buying Disorder? Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD) is characterized by patterns of persistent, uncontrollable, and intense desires or urges for buying.  These urges result in excessive buying followed by negative emotions after the purchase, which precipitates additional buying to overcome the negative emotions.  It is a persistent cycle in which one is unable...
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What is a Process Addiction?

A process addiction is any disorder that does not involve chemical usage.  Process disorders can include compulsive gambling, sexual addiction, Internet addiction, or compulsive shopping.  These addictions are considered behavioral in nature such as visiting a local casino when feeling overwhelmed or when experiencing stress, or excessive shopping to alleviate anxiety or depression.   The...
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Is Gambling a Compulsivity Problem?

Gambling is a social activity for millions of people.  Many can go to a weekly poker game or to a casino and play $20 and leave regardless of winning or losing.  If a person plays with any consistency, there is the chance that the person will cross over into compulsive gambling.  Currently, there are an...
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Understanding Sex and Love Addiction

Sex addiction and love addiction are not the same thing.  The exception to this statement is that both typically involve emotional deprivation experienced in childhood.  The sex addict and the love addict come from homes that are not stable or emotionally fulfilling.  The child in this environment grows up feeling neglected and will look to...
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Putting a Stop to Sex Addiction

Sex addiction is characterized by an uncontrollable urge to engage in sexual activity. It is generally devoid of the pleasure that is normally associated with sex. Sex addiction can take many forms, from compulsive masturbation while viewing pornography, to engaging in sex with multiple different partners, or participating in some sexual activity that borders on...
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Dangers of Eating Disorders

Food is a source of sustenance and comfort. It forms the basis of community celebrations and is the foundation of holidays and family gatherings. For all of its positive associations, food can be an adverse substance that is used as a substitute treatment for stress, depression, anxiety, and a host of other psychological and social...
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How to Overcome Gambling Addiction

Compulsive gambling is no less an addiction than drug or alcohol abuse. Problem gamblers might not experience the same physical withdrawal symptoms that plague drug addicts or alcoholics when they attempt to stop their habits. However, they will experience some. Many who struggle with gambling addiction struggle with a co-occurring disorder of substance abuse, which...
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Could Sex Addiction Be The Result of Emotional Neglect?

Roxie Hart is one of the leading characters in the musical Chicago. During a particularly sexually provocative moment in one of her songs, she sings about the mutual love between her and her fans, “And they love me for loving them and I love them for loving me and we love each other. That’s because...
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