
behavioral addiction
young couple holding hands

The Spouse and Gambling Addiction

The Spouse and Gambling Addiction Relationships are affected by addiction including social relationships, work relationships, and family relationships.  The spouse of an addict also experiences the effect of addiction.  Gambling addiction is a disorder where participation in gambling activities becomes necessary and the individual cannot stop.  A person gambles despite negative consequences including increasing debt,...
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red dice

The Problem Gambler’s Thought Processes

The Problem Gambler’s Thought Processes A gambler has many thoughts throughout the day.  Where can I gamble today?  Who can I borrow money from so I can gamble today?  How will I hide my gambling from my spouse or my boss?  These are just some of the questions that the gambler will have.  There are...
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open tanning bed

Why Does Tanning Addiction Increase Chances of Cancer?

Why Does Tanning Addiction Increase Chances of Cancer? For those that live in a cold climate or who just feel they are too pale like to go to tanning salons to have the perfect tan. According to, 30 million Americans use sunlamps, tanning booths, and/or sunbeds to get a tan. Indoor tanning addicts never...
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stressed woman with hand on face

Shopping Addiction

Shopping Addiction A shopping addiction is a behavioral addiction. There are no chemicals to ingest or alcohol to drink, yet shopping addiction is a viable disorder. It can interfere with activities of daily living, destroy relationships, affect how one works, and ruin finances. The addiction to shopping is like a substance use disorder in that...
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hooded man sitting at poker table with stacks of chips

Treatment for Gambling Addiction

Treatment for Gambling Addiction   Gambling addiction is a problem affecting over seven million Americans. The urge to gamble is so powerful that many gambling addicts will resort to illegal activity or immoral behavior to fuel the addiction. Gambling addiction is not about money or the lack of resources to fund gambling activities. There are...
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woman with multiple high end shopping bags

Can Spending Be An Addiction?

Can Spending Be An Addiction?   A spending addiction is a process addiction whereby the individual is addicted to something that is not an addictive substance like alcohol, heroin, or pain medication. Process addictions are also referred to as behavioral addictions or compulsions, as is seen with compulsive shopping or gambling. There are other terms...
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What is a Process Addiction?

A process addiction is any disorder that does not involve chemical usage.  Process disorders can include compulsive gambling, sexual addiction, Internet addiction, or compulsive shopping.  These addictions are considered behavioral in nature such as visiting a local casino when feeling overwhelmed or when experiencing stress, or excessive shopping to alleviate anxiety or depression.   The...
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Putting a Stop to Sex Addiction

Sex addiction is characterized by an uncontrollable urge to engage in sexual activity. It is generally devoid of the pleasure that is normally associated with sex. Sex addiction can take many forms, from compulsive masturbation while viewing pornography, to engaging in sex with multiple different partners, or participating in some sexual activity that borders on...
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How to Overcome Gambling Addiction

Compulsive gambling is no less an addiction than drug or alcohol abuse. Problem gamblers might not experience the same physical withdrawal symptoms that plague drug addicts or alcoholics when they attempt to stop their habits. However, they will experience some. Many who struggle with gambling addiction struggle with a co-occurring disorder of substance abuse, which...
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How Young Do Eating Disorders Develop?

Eating disorders are developing in children as young as four years old in age, reports BBC. In just a few short years, from 2014-2017, admissions for patients under the age of 18 have risen 450% in areas of England. Other countries like Australia have also reported a sharp increase in the amount of young people...
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