

Is It Normal to Experience Anxiety and Depression in Early Recovery?

Anxiety and depression are normal during early recovery.  The main reason for this is a person is learning new ways to cope and live without drugs or alcohol.  During the addiction, getting the drug, finding money to buy the drug, and being with others who use drugs or alcohol are the reason for living.  All...
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Postpartum Anxiety as Common as Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a well known mental health condition for women. After pregnancy, women struggle to rebalance their hormones and it affects their mental health. Symptoms of depression become so severe that the women have a hard time connecting with their infant. In many cases, there is delusional thinking about the relationship between mother and...
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What Is a Fidget Spinner and Why Is It Helpful for Mental Health?

“Fidget spinners” are all the rage right now, being sold in the millions in every color and pattern imaginable. The small toy is becoming a phenomena but was actually designed as a tool for helping patients with ADD, attention deficit disorder, and ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, find focus and calm. Fidgeting, distraction, and stress...
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Is Chronic Pain a Symptom of Depression and Anxiety?

Depression hurts. Anxiety hurts. Both mood disorders are known to cause physical symptoms of tension, aches, pains, stiffness, cramps, and more. Mental health disorders like depressive and anxiety disorders are not isolated to the brain. It is widely understood today that mental health disorders affect the mind, the body, and the spirit. Taking an integrative...
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What Kind of Physical Activity Is Best For Recovery From Anxiety and Depression?

Many studies have been done to examine the relationship between physical activity as a form of treatment and relapse prevention in anxiety and depression. General advice for managing life when living with these disorders includes encouragement to spend some portion of the day in physical activity. Exercise is not always suggested as a requirement, with...
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Transcendental Meditation for PTSD

Tran·scen·den·tal Med·i·ta·tion ™ noun a technique for detaching oneself from anxiety and promoting harmony and self-realization by meditation, repetition of a mantra, and other yogic practices, promulgated by an international organization founded by the Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ( c. 1911–2008). In circles of recovery around the globe, the practice of prayer and meditation...
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Innovative Technologies for Mental Illness

Mental health is extremely complicated, and can be difficult to treat effectively. While behavioral health therapies have made leaps and bound over the last several decades, there is still a lot more that can be done, especially when you compare the aforementioned field with other areas of the healthcare sector. Fortunately, the millions of Americans...
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Childhood Mental Health Disorders May Lead to Adulthood Issues

A new study suggests that children diagnosed with mental health disorders are more likely to experience problems in adulthood. Researchers from Duke University found that children with a mental illness were six times more likely to have trouble as young adults, compared to those without psychiatric disorders, a news release from Duke Medicine reports. The...
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Parents More Concerned With Mental Health Than Substance Abuse

Teen alcohol and drug use is, and should be, a major concern for parents. The long term risks associated with teenage substance abuse can greatly impact one’s future, leading to a host of problems. Despite the fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 66 percent of high-school students have drank and 41%...
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Binge Drinking May Alter Brain Maturation

Binge drinking is a common practice among teenagers and young adults. Drinking as much as you can, as fast as you can carries with it a number of risks. While the most common danger associated with binge drinking is alcohol poisoning, new research from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine indicates that...
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