
alcohol rehab
tired man on edge of bed dressed for business day

What Is Dry Drunk Syndrome?

What Is Dry Drunk Syndrome?   Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) coined the term dry drunk to describe a person who is no longer consuming alcohol but still exhibits behavioral and emotional problems of an alcoholic. Some of these behavioral and emotional problems include irritability, impatience, impulsivity, and passing judgment on others. Some dry drunks exhibit grandiose...
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woman with eyes closed smiling slightly

Why Holistic Alcohol Treatment Programs Work so Well

  Why Holistic Alcohol Treatment Programs Work so Well Holistic alcohol treatment programs work well because they are the best approach to treating alcoholism. This type of alcohol treatment involves healing every aspect of the alcoholic’s life. Holistic treatment is not a quick fix nor is it short term. Rather, it is an approach to...
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support group or therapy group

What Researchers Tell Us About Alcoholics Anonymous

What Researchers Tell Us About Alcoholics Anonymous There exists a number of researchers who consistently attempt to find solid evidence of the treatment efficacy of Alcoholics Anonymous or AA. AA has been in existence for many years and millions of individuals have benefited from attending AA meetings. Still, researchers wish to know more about how...
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Alcoholism and the Family

Alcoholism and the Family Alcoholism is a family problem.  In today’s world, the definition of a family can have different meanings.  There are blended families, single parent families, and grandparents who are raising children.  Even with these family structures, the alcoholic will influence every person associated with the alcoholic.  It is believed that for one...
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Alcoholism The simple definition of alcoholism is an addiction to the consumption of alcohol.  Other definitions include compulsive behavior related to a dependency on alcohol or drinking that leads to a psychological and physical dependence on alcohol.  Regardless of the definition, alcoholism is a disorder that affects millions of individuals and knows no boundaries in...
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alcoholic, Alcoholism

Is Alcoholism a Mental Health Condition?

Alcoholism is a mental health condition as well as a physical condition.  Alcoholism is an addiction to drinking alcohol. A person who is addicted to alcohol experiences physical and psychological issues.  Physical problems related to alcoholism include liver damage, malnutrition, and high blood pressure, and can increase the risk of getting certain cancers.  Physical dependency...
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Know the Symptoms of Alcohol Detox

Alcohol detox occurs when an alcoholic who has developed a strong physical tolerance to alcohol stops or dramatically reduces his alcohol consumption. Within twenty-four hours of his last drink, an alcoholic will experience fevers, tremors, high blood pressure and excessive perspiration. He will also experience gastric distress, characterized by nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. He will...
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Is There a Difference Between Being an Alcoholic and Not Being Able To Control Your Drinking?

Recently, actor Shia LeBeouf came under the spotlight for the unfortunate reason of his public displays of intoxication. Marking his ninth arrest, the arrest highlighted an ongoing struggle with alcohol for LaBeouf. A video surfaced of the drunken actor cursing and yelling disrespectful profanities at the officers who were arresting him. Shortly after the arrest,...
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Warning Signs You Abuse Alcohol and Could Be an Alcoholic

Drinking is an integrated part of society and culture. Consuming alcohol for celebratory and ceremonial purposes has been an activity of humans for thousands of years. As long as alcohol has been part of humanity, humanity has been part of alcohol. Meaning to say that humans have also been abusing alcohol outside of its intended...
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Problem Drinking Is Still a Drinking Problem

People who do not believe, or have no reason to believe, that they might be alcoholic do not ask themselves if they are alcoholic. Problem drinking is a drinking problem. Whether or not that drinking problem has resulted in fully developed chemical dependency, problem drinking can still become a drinking problem which can have negative...
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