

Marijuana Research Faces Many Obstacles

The ever-changing landscape of marijuana law throughout the country demands that copious amounts of scientific research be conducted. Without such studies, there is no way to understand the true risks of legalizing a drug that’s use has been prohibited for nearly a century. Recently, a new study was presented that showed that marijuana users are...
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Marijuana Puts Baby At Risk

Abstaining from all mind-altering substances during pregnancy is generally considered to be the safest course of action for any expectant mother. The warnings are pasted on bottles of alcohol and printed on cigarette packs. Taverns typically post disclaimers about the potential harmful effects that alcohol can have on a fetus. And now, in the wake...
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The Human ‘Marijuana Receptor’

There is a serious lack of understanding when comes to marijuana. Decades of prohibition in the United States made it very difficult to conduct research on the drug, a substance that some believe is relatively harmless and should be legal for adult use, while others believe it should be illegal. Then there is a group...
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DEA Denies Marijuana Reclassification

Marijuana prohibition in the United States, some would argue, has done more harm than good. While the drug is both habit forming and can lead to negative health consequences, many Americans are in favor of changing both state and federal marijuana laws. With November around the corner, many states will be voting on joining the...
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Does Marijuana Legalization Affect Alcohol Use?

Humans have been brewing and distilling alcoholic beverages for  millennia, on top of being used for entertainment, it is used in many religious ceremonies. Worldwide, no other mind altering substance is used more than alcohol. The reasons for alcohol’s popularity are varied, but perhaps the greatest cause of use (in developed nations) is the fact...
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Teenage Marijuana Use On The Decline

With more and more states adopting lighter stances on marijuana, both medical and recreational, many have had concerns about the effect it would have on teenagers. Medical marijuana has been approved in 23 states and D.C., and recreational use has been legalized in four states – with more expected to follow. While marijuana is considered...
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