
healthy living

Depression and Emotions

Depression and Emotions Depression is a mental health disorder that causes overwhelming feelings of sadness, lack of energy, and inability to work productively.  There are many emotions connected to depression including anger, frustration, shame, sadness, and anxiety.  Some individuals have a difficult time addressing and expressing negative emotional states, which can make it difficult to...
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How Do Addicts Recovery from Financial Problems

How Do Addicts Recovery from Financial Problems In 12-step meetings, finances are often mentioned as something that overwhelms the person in recovery.  Finances are something that the recovering addict will need to work on but maybe not right away.  The first few months of recovery should be focused specifically on finding your own path to...
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Exploring Your Treatment Options

Exploring Your Treatment Options An addiction to a substance or a behavior is an overwhelming experience.  You may have spent months or years in the addiction cycle of seeking the drug or behavior, using and engaging in the drug or behavior, and then felt shame or guilt for the engagement, only to start the cycle...
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Why Do I Have To Let Go Of My Resentments?

“Resentment is the ‘number one’ offender,” to alcoholics. These words are written in Alcoholics Anonymous, more affectionately referred to as The Big Book. “It destroys more alcoholics than anything else,” the authors explain. “From it stem all forms of spiritual disease, for we have been not only mentally and physically ill, we have been spiritually...
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Is My Life Going To Change Completely When I Get Sober?

The simple answer is yes. The complicated answer is yes. Addiction is disease, a mental health disorder which permeates all areas of life. As a result, recovery has to permeate all areas of life. In every way that your life was changed because of your addiction to drugs and alcohol, your life is going to...
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What Is Self-Care and How Do I Do Self-Care?

Self-care sounds selfish to many people. Why should people in treatment for drug and alcohol addiction learn to practice so much time caring about themselves, loved ones often lament. It is true that addiction and alcoholism are diseases of selfishness. Recovery, it is commonly heard, is also selfish. Recovery has to be a selfish program....
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