
Alcoholics Anonymous

Reality Of Addiction: One Man’s Effort To Tear Down The Stigma

Storytelling is the essential human activity. The harder the situation, the more essential it is.  Tim O’Brien Journal writing as a tool of recovery Last summer we wrote about a new way to share one’s story concerning their struggle with addiction and how their story can change someone else’ story of addiction and recovery. Sharing...
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“Doctor Sleep” Even The Most Damaged People Can Rebuild Their Lives

Stephen King at the Harvard Book Store. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) A trip to the bookstore… Just the other day one of our associates mentioned that she and her son stopped in a bookstore to browse and buy a couple of classic fictional works to read. She related that as they wandered through the store they...
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TRIBEof9.ORG ~ A New Space For Conversation

Continuing care planning… Research indicates that individuals who continue therapy following inpatient treatment have a higher likelihood of maintaining recovery behavior. Understanding the value of aftercare, our treatment staff places a strong emphasis on developing a comprehensive aftercare plan reflective of each patient’s individual needs. Each discharging patient is provided with continuing care referrals responsive...
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A New Way To Share Your Recovery Story – Your Experience, Strength and Hope

A provocative magazine advertisement Yesterday while paging through a weekly news magazine, we came across a full page advertisement from THE PARTNERSHIP® AT DRUGFREE.ORG. You can see a copy of the ad to the right. Obviously the advertisement caught our attention, so we decided to investigate a little further. THE PARTNERSHIP® AT DRUGFREE.ORG launched “The...
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Al-Anon Meeting Information Now Available 24/7 365 Days By Phone!

Are you a member of Al-Anon? If your loved one is an alcoholic or addict and has gone for treatment or he or she joined Alcoholics Anonymous, then chances are you have heard of Al-Anon. According to Al-Anon’s website: At Al‑Anon Family Group meetings, the friends and family members of problem drinkers share their experiences...
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“Double Double” Mother And Son Recall Their Descent Into Alcoholism And Their Own Recovery

Making a Summer Reading list… Do you remember when you were in grammar school, middle school, or high school and a teacher would send you home for Summer vacation season with a “Summer Reading List?” For some students the list was welcomed, for others it would be a source of angst perhaps because they did not...
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Two Thumbs Up For Roger Ebert ~ A Remarkable Journey

“At The Movies…” Over the past year we have written a number of posts about movies. This Thursday, April 4, 2013, Pulitzer Prize winning film critic and author, Roger Ebert passed away. Many of us have grown up and grown old with Roger Ebert; he became our “go to” film critic. You may remember a...
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New Study Asks: “Does Shame Contribute To Relapse?”

The power of the prefix – RE In early November it was reported that a number of celebrities would participate in creating public service announcements (PSA) for the Empire State Relief Fund. When we watched one such PSA, we were struck by the power of the simple prefix – RE. The PSA is called simply...
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A New Tool For Recovery: “Recover To Live” by Christopher Kennedy Lawford

How many “tools” have you used this morning? “Some multi-purpose tools are colorful, others are utilitarian!” You might think this is an unusual question, but think about it for a minute. Since getting out of bed how many “tools” have you utilized? For example, let’s say you got up to take your shower and you...
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FLIGHT ~ A High And Mighty View Of Alcoholism

First, movies entertain It’s true, we go to the movies to be entertained. We enjoy dramas, light hearted comedies, romantic comedies, science fiction, historical re-creations, horror, children’s fantasies, musicals, foreign films, mysteries and documentaries. Then there are days when we watch a film that weaves a story so cleverly we find ourselves pulled into the...
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