
aerosol spray cans with warnings

Parents: Do You Know The Warning Signs Of “Huffing?”

“Deadly” household products… If you were asked to name a few “deadly” household products easily found in your home, what items would be on the top of your list? You might think of matches, butane lighters, bleach, toilet bowl cleaner, razors, or even candles. Would your list include: whipped cream dispensers, hairspray, felt-tip pens, cooking...
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7.5 Million Children Live With An Alcoholic

The first time children are witness to addiction is typically within their own household. A new report conducted by the government found that 7.5 million children in the United States, 10.5 percent, live with a parent who is an alcoholic or has experienced an alcohol use disorder in the past year. 6.1 million of these...
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