These Are The Signs Of Healthy Relationship Habits

Relationships are a foundation of recovery. Working on ourselves during treatment is how we prepare ourselves to be in healthy relationships with others. Relationship therapy and counseling are common forms of therapy in treatment to repair damage done during active addiction. In addition, psychoeducational lectures about communication, relationships, and other partner-focused topics are offered to help those in treatment learn who they are in a relationship, who they want to be, and how they want to act.

Your Partner Always Has Your Back

We make good decisions. We make bad decisions. While our partner doesn’t enable us to make bad decisions, they support our independent ability to make our own decisions and journey through the trials and tribulations of life. When we take on big changes or we walk away from a challenge, our partner is there to remind us that we are loved and supported.

Your Partner Is Giving And Considerate

Selfishness is a one way street in relationships, which creates stress both ways. Relationships are a balance of give and take- but there has to be balance of both giving and taking. Thoughtfulness, consideration, and generosity are ways that your partner lets you know that you are loved. Everyone receives love differently. The occasional or even regular token of appreciation through kind words, small gifts, helpful acts, or more, is what keeps a relationship going.

Your Partner Meditates And Encourages You To

Meditation is a powerful practice for relationships because it helps each partner be present, stay grounded, and find awareness in their lives together as well as independently. Practicing meditation has been proven effective in reducing stress and improving health for mind and for body.

Your Partner Still Wants To Date You

This isn’t a matter of someone being with you if they don’t want to be. Relationships can fall out of the habit of dating, which does not have to end just because relationships become long term. Dating is a way to get out of normal routine, spend special time together, and still explore more of what there is to learn together, while experiencing more of life.

Cottonwood Tucson offers relationship therapy and counseling for those who come to treatment and need to work on their relationships. Our residential treatment programs for co-occurring disorders offer an integrative approach to treatment which has gained critical recognition all around the world. For information, call us today: (888) 727-0441

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