NSI-189 Approved For Final Test And Trial Test For NFLAA Members

English: A CT of the head years after a trauma...
English: A CT of the head years after a traumatic brain injury showing an empty space marked by the arrow were the damage occurred. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Interesting news week for Neuralstem, Inc.

If you do not recognize the name Neuralstem, Inc. you can visit their website to get a better understanding of the type of research they conduct. They are located in Rockville, Maryland, specializing in cell therapy technology.  This week Neuralstem, Inc. announced:

  • The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given approval for Neuralstem, Inc., “to begin dosing in the third and final cohort of patients in its ongoing phase Ib to test the safety of NSI-189 in the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). NSI-189, the lead compound in Neuralstem’s neurogenic small molecule platform, is a proprietary new chemical entity that stimulates new neuron growth in the hippocampus, a region of the brain believed to be implicated in MDD, as well as other diseases and conditions such as: traumatic brain injury (TBI), Alzheimer’s disease, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).”
  • Neuralstem, Inc. also announced “that it is working with the National Football League Alumni Association (NFLAA), based in Newark, NJ, to develop a trial for treating NFL alumni members suffering from traumatic brain injuries (TBI), with NSI-189, the lead compound in the company’s neurogenic drug platform. NSI-189, currently in a Phase Ib clinical trial to treat major depressive disorder (MDD), appears to work by stimulating neurons in the hippocampus, a region of the brain that atrophies in depression and which could also be implicated in brain injury. Neuralstem believes that pre-clinical work, in which NSI-189 stimulated new neuron formation in multiple animal models, as well as data from the current trial in humans, will be applicable to a potential study of NSI-189 in the treatment of TBI symptoms.”

A few words from NFLAA

“The National Football League Alumni Association is focused on this serious health issue, which is destroying quality of life and has tragically led to several high-profile suicides just this past year among our members,” said Lee Nystrom, Chairman of the Board, Emeritus of the NFL Alumni Association, and former Green Bay Packer. “The NFL Alumni Association is excited to be working with Neuralstem on this cutting-edge technology. We are committed to pursuing both basic research into traumatic brain injury as well as pushing the envelope to create therapies that can improve the quality of life for our members afflicted with these diseases.”

Richard Garr, President and CEO Neuralstem, Inc., responds to NFLAA comments

“We are very pleased to join with the NFL Alumni Association to work towards developing a treatment for traumatic brain injury among their members and others. Traumatic brain injuries have become the subject of increased public attention recently, especially with regard to both members of the military and football players,” said Richard Garr, Neuralstem’s president and CEO. “These injuries can result in long-term and serious loss of cognitive function, depression, a shorter life span and, sadly, death by suicide in some cases. In addition to finding ways to better prevent such injuries, it is imperative that we provide new and improved ways to treat those with such neurological trauma.”

Concussions, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and traumatic brain injury

At Cottonwood Tucson we treat patients with behavioral health issues and those with the disease of addiction. Patients often present with co-occurring disorders such as depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and/or bi-polar.  Our clinical staff completes a thorough medical, psychiatric and psychosocial assessment for each patient in their first few days of treatment.

Learning of the ongoing trials for NSI-189 is very exciting, additionally being able to follow closely the involvement of the NFL Alumni Association in trial tests for traumatic brain injury will be very interesting.

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