What Are The Signs of Progress In Addiction Treatment?

Progress In Addiction Treatment
The signs of progress are sometimes obvious and sometimes subtle. For those watching and supporting your journey, your changes will be more evident. For you, it might be more difficult to tell where you’re really progressing. Here are some of the less obvious signs of progress in addiction treatment.

There Is Far Less Ego

Addiction and alcoholism by nature are self-centered disorders. Due to the neurology of addiction in the brain, chemical dependency creates a self-centric world with a focus on meeting the needs and wants of the self regarding drugs and alcohol, which take priority.

Despair Has Been Replaced With Optimism

It isn’t rational to think someone who struggles with a mood, personality, or chemical dependency disorders is going to attend treatment and be happy all the time. There will be greater periods of increased happiness, but the reality of living with behavioral health issues will still arise. However, you will notice that the dramatic flair of desperation and extremity, the tendency toward chaos, and the catastrophic thinking have disappeared, if not reduced. In return, there is a broader sense of optimism, positivity, and hope. During treatment, you learn that it is okay to not be okay and it is also okay to be okay as well as not okay at the same time.

Perfectionism And Failure Are Less Black And White

A hyper focus on perfectionism is a common symptom of many different disorders. As a result, everything that isn’t perfect is a failure. Opening up to the wide range of possibilities in life, you learn to see things less in black and white. You move past the many shades of grey in between into a world full of color. Acceptance, self-compassion, kindness, and understanding are critical themes in treatment and recovery which help soften rigid extremes and create a complete whole of life.

Empathy And Compassion Have Changed Perspectives

Treatment offers an opportunity to meet many different people from all walks of life. Hearing the life stories, intimate details, and deepest confessions of different people helps change your perspective. You learn that your story is not the worst and it is also not the best. You find a growing sense of empathy which helps you to change your perspective in order to take other people’s perspectives into consideration. Group therapy, communication skill building, and psycho-educational lectures open your mind to new possibilities and ways of thinking.

Cottonwood Tucson is an industry leader in addiction rehab and behavioral health treatment. Our inpatient programs offer safety and understanding while providing hope and healing. Call us today for information on our programs by dialing (888) 727-0441.

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