How does the mother of an addict cope?
Are you startled by that question? Don’t be. Mothers of addicts ask themselves every day…”How will I cope with this?” You are not sure who to talk to, who you can trust, who you should trust…admitting to anyone that your child suffers from the disease of addiction is, by the stigma attached to addiction, not the same as announcing to your family and social community that your child has been diagnosed with any other acute or chronic disease like leukemia or diabetes type I.
As one of our associates recounts after learning of her child’s heroin addiction: “I moved through each day trying to dissect my every move for the last 20 years. How does one raise an addict? I know in my family addiction was present in my uncles, aunts, and cousins, but not my parents and not in my husband or myself. How did I not see the signs?”
She goes on to say that it wasn’t until her child entered rehab and she had the opportunity to attend a family program that, for the first time in a long time, she did not feel alone. And even though she was in a room with complete strangers she felt safe…safe to talk and ask questions and to ask for help. A safe place to learn and begin her own recovery.
One mother decided she would not keep the secret anymore…
It was in 2007 when Barbara Theodosiou realized that not one, but both of her sons were addicts. It only took her a short amount of time to realize that addiction is a chronic disease. With treatment the disease can go into remission for weeks, months, years, decades…even a lifetime. But for sure your life will never be the same. In 2008, considering the loneliness she was experiencing as the mother of an addict, she decided to take a bold step and start a Facebook group called The Addict’s Mom.
CNN’s Kelly Wallace reports on Being an addict’s mom…
Kelly Wallace is a journalist who reports for CNN covering the digital world and she serves as the editor-at-large reporting on family, career and life. This week she met and interviewed a number of mothers of addicts published this article and the video below.
If you are having trouble viewing the video you can see it here.
Take a few minutes and consider the addict’s mom
There are a number of ways to get involved…or you can share this information with another addict’s mom.
- The Facebook group The Addict’s Mom (you must be part of Facebook, join the group and agree to the rules of the group)
- If you are not a member of Facebook, you can connect with the website The Addict’s Mom…Sharing without shame. You can join and use this site as a great resource.
- Finally, there is a regular organizational Facebook page The Addict’s Mom…Sharing without shame.
Their mission is clear…
United behind the credos of “Sharing Without Shame” and “Together We Really Are Stronger.” Thousands of mothers have joined The Addict’s Mom group fan pages on Facebook and on the Addict’s Mom online community. The Addict’s Mom helps create personal change and healing among the broken spirits of the Addict’s Moms.