Zosia Mamet Invites You To “Make Your Mark”

“Let’s diminish the stigma. Let’s remind one another that we’re beautiful. Maybe you’ll help a friend. Maybe you’ll help yourself. And if you’re reading this and you’re suffering, please know you’re not alone. Tell someone: The people who love you will listen, I promise. And you’ll feel better.”     Zosia Mamet, Glamour Magazine – September 2014

Do you know Zosia Mamet (“zaw-shuh” “mam-it”)?

If you’re a fan of HBO’s Girls think Shoshanna Shapiro, or maybe you know Zosia from short recurring roles like Kelsey in NBC’s Parenthood or a few years ago as Joyce Ramsay in AMC’s Mad Men. Zosia has also been in a few movies. She is 26 years old and loves acting…and writing.

Zosia, Glamour and the Make Your Mark contest

Maybe you subscribe to Glamour or only glance through it while you’re in a waiting room or having your haircut, if so, perhaps you’ve noticed that over the past couple of years a number of Glamour articles either were specifically about Zosia Mamet or referenced her or one of her roles. In February 2014 Glamour retained Zosia to write her own bi-monthly column!

The September 2014 issue carries her latest column: Zosia Mamet Opens Up About Her Personal Eating Disorder Struggles.  Her story is moving, insightful and she shares with her readers how she came to realize that her disease was not just about her, but also about her family. And now she offers to those who are suffering and have been diagnosed, particularly young women, to start talking about it. Zosia is making her mark.

This week Bayer HealthCare issued a press release about its partnership with Glamour and Zosia Mamet in the Make Your Mark contest. As Zosia says:

“We all have stories, and they all deserve to be heard. Glamour, Bayer and I want to give women a platform to share their stories and to show the world how they’re making their mark. We all make our marks in different ways; what’s yours?”

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