Prom Night Pointers For Teens and Parents

young man dressed in suit for senior prom

Prom Night

Do you remember your prom night? Most of us have good memories. Some of us happily participated and some of us stayed home. Some of us shared that night with our “steady”, some shared it with a good friend. Decades ago it was all about picking out a formal dress, maybe borrowing a dress, renting a tuxedo, ordering a corsage, waiting for your mom and dad to take a few photos and then you were off to the prom in a regular old car. Now teenagers spend time with going to the hair salon, having their make-up done, renting a limousine that can accommodate 20 teens and perhaps reserving a room at the hotel where the prom is being held.

In today’s world parents seem to “accept” that drinking, experimenting with drugs and having sex with one’s partner is part of the night of senior prom. Most parents hope against hope that prom night won’t include those activities, but statistics indicate:

  • 53% of teenagers have four or more alcoholic drinks on prom night
  • 14% of girls have sexual intercourse on prom night
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