MOLLY Suspected In Four Deaths

English: A Quarter Ounce of Molly
English: A Quarter Ounce of Molly (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

MOLLY is turning up at parties and music festivals…

It was just eight months ago that we first introduced our readers to MOLLY and this past week Molly is back in the news. The dangers of Molly are being reported by major news agencies and police officials suspect Molly to be the cause of a number of overdoses this summer and four deaths.

Last week USA Today interviewed Cathleen Clancy an associate medical director at the National Capital Poison Center in Washington, D.C. Dr. Clancy is also an associate professor of emergency medicine at George Washington University. She indicates that young people will present at the Emergency Department claiming that they have taken Molly, a synthetic drug; but, she can’t be sure, so she treats the symptoms and waits for the drug to wear off. Dr. Clancy adds, “People are using themselves as guinea pigs.”

More about MOLLY

Reuters offered the following information about Molly’s history:

  • Molly is a street drug and is presented as the pure powder form of a banned substance known as MDMA.
  • MDMA is the main chemical in ecstasy.
  • It is marketed to recreational drug users who believe it is less dangerous than ecstasy.
  • Emergency department visits involving MDMA have jumped 123% since 2004. In 2011, there were 22,498 ER visits for MDMA use.

According to the Reuters’ article:

“Four recent deaths attributed to Molly have thrust the club drug into the national spotlight. On August 31, a 23-year-old Syracuse University graduate and a 20-year-old University of New Hampshire student died after taking what they believed to be Molly during an electronic music concert in New York City. The deaths, and several other reported overdoses, prompted the Electric Zoo festival to cancel the final day of the concert.

A University of Virginia student died at a rave in Washington, D.C., the same weekend, after taking what her friends said was Molly. Days earlier in Boston, a 19-year-old woman died in a club and three concert-goers overdosed at the waterfront, police said.”

October is just starting. Teens are settling into a new school year and many young adults are living on their own for the first time either being away at college, in the military or having their first job. Stay informed; share this vital information with your friends and family members.

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