

DEA Allowed to Suspend CVS Right to Dispense

In February, the DEA had ordered that the two CVS pharmacies in Florida suspend shipments of controlled drugs due to the high volume of oxycodone that was being dispensed. However, earlier this month, the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, temporarily lifted the DEA’s suspension allowing them to continue business despite the...
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Prescription Drug Crack Down Equals New Pharmacies

The war against prescription drug abuse in Florida continues even after officials closed down “pill mills” and barred doctors from dispensing medications out of their own practices. Hundreds of people attempted to open pharmacies, a move that was anticipated by officials, while others moved their illegal operations to neighboring states like Georgia. “Traffickers adapt to...
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National Rx Drug Abuse Summit

In the war on addiction prescription drugs have proven to be the number one offender, affecting just about every community in America. While certain states are making a lot of headway on curbing the epidemic with the advent of prescription drug databases, the problem is still ever growing. Over prescribing and a lack of education...
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Prescription Drug Tourism Fought by Databases

Prescription drug tourism has become a major problem in the United States, people will travel to states like Florida as well as other states with lax prescription drug laws to acquire drugs like oxycodone and then sell them across state lines. Florida has been in the news a lot lately because of their high volume...
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