
addiction facts
addiction stereotypes, stereotypes of alcoholics, thoughtful woman looking out window

Addiction Stereotypes

Addiction Stereotypes   The word stereotype often conjures up negative beliefs about a group of people; however, a stereotype is more a widely held fixed idea about a person or thing. Many stereotypes are related to a group of people including addicts. Regardless of the definition there are dangers associated with stereotypes. First, stereotypes are...
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man plugging his ears - not listening

Are You Aware of These Seven Common Myths About Addiction?

Are You Aware of These Seven Common Myths About Addiction?   1.    All people that use drugs are addicts.  If all people that take drugs are addicts, than those who take an aspirin for a headache, are addicts.  Current statistics indicate that 15% of those who try cocaine become addicted and 12% of those who...
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