Health Care Reform HR 4872 Revisited

I am very happy right now. I wondered if I had gotten things wrong about HR4872, the House bill that was signed into law March 30. It turns out I was wrong. There were actually 5 versions of the bill. The text I had was the Reconciliation Act of 2010 from March 17 which was not the final version. There was also the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act and the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act and different versions of those. HR 4872, the Health Care and Affordability Reconciliation Act is now public law 111-152. It does not have any of the provisions that would mean a government takeover of the health care system. What I wrote on in my last post was not in the final bill. The final version which is now public law 111-152 consists only of amendments to HR 3590 that was signed by the president March 23.

This brings me great relief. What I will be discussing are the provisions of the final bills when I finish reading the texts. It will take me awhile so I will not comment further on health reform until I complete that task.
I apologize for my misstatements and inaccuracy.
Thought for the day
Sometimes it is good to be wrong.

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