You’re Completely In Control Of Your Feelings

When you’re struggling with a mental health condition which is often ultimately defined by not being in complete control, or any control, over feelings and symptoms, it is hard to believe the opposite. It is the lack of control which takes place during active episode of mental health that make us forget that we are capable of being in control of how we feel. We are quick to give away our power to everything and everyone who triggers us. The more we believe we are not in control of our feelings, the more we believe we don’t have our own power to feel.

Most often we aren’t aware that some of the simple, subtle statements we use to describe our feelings or try to talk about our feelings with others are harmful to our emotional empowerment. We often use statements like you make me feel like, that made me feel, this makes me feel, you made me feel that way. There is a blunt truth which needs to be understood for successful recovery from any kind of mental health condition or life experience: nobody and nothing has enough power to make you feel anything. Of course, we feel hurt. We get angry, we are sad, and we can be disappointed. However, our feelings are choices. Even those who are in recovery for mood disorders where feelings can feel unmanageable learn to recognize their power in choosing how they want to feel, to the best of their ability. There are days when depression is so heavy, it is impossible to just choose not to feel depressed. However, in our everyday reactions, responses, and interactions, we are capable of deciding how we are going to feel. When someone says something hurtful, for example, we have the power to decide if we are going to let it hurt our feelings, ruin our day, and influence the way we feel about ourselves. That is in our control. Yet, we often forget.

Recovering from drug and alcohol addiction places a special emphasis on this philosophy for living. Addicts and alcoholics similarly can use statements like that made me want to use, you made me use, that “took me out”, this could “take me out” and more. Relapsing on drugs and alcohol after being in recovery for sometime is a choice. There are many things which can trigger the cravings for drugs and alcohol, cravings which can become unbearable. Ultimately, there is still a choice to be made about whether or not to use.

Cottonwood Tucson wants to empower you to take control of your life and live a happy and healthy recovery. Our residential treatment programs for mental health and dual diagnosis issues offer an integrative approach to treatment, healing mind, body, and spirit. For information, call us today: CALL (888) 727-0441

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