Treating The Whole Person ~ Pentagon Offers Yoga For Veterans Suffering From PTSD

Treating the whole person…

At Cottonwood Tucson, our philosophy of care presumes that physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of life are closely interconnected and equally important to the overall health and wellness of a human being. We believe that achieving and maintaining good health requires more than just treating the disease or disorder. Our goal of wellness encompasses the whole person and focuses on helping the person bring the mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual dimensions of his or her being into greater balance and harmony. Cottonwood’s holistic approach to behavioral health disorders and/or the disease of addiction offers our patients the opportunity to become the creators of their own reality of health and wellness, through skillful attention to the care and nourishment of a balanced lifestyle.

Part of treating the whole person includes introducing yoga to our clients. While some clients may have experimented with yoga previously, many have not, so we incorporate yoga in the weekly schedule for our Adult Treatment Programs. Additionally, yoga is available for clients participating in our Cottonwood Assessment Program (CAP), as well as our InnerPath Retreats.

Pentagon offers Yoga classes for veterans with PTSD

We often cover news stories that deal with veterans dealing with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), so we read with interest about how yoga is available at the Pentagon with Lieutenant Colonel Melinda Morgan and Air Force Captain Duilia Mora serving as the yoga instructors. According to a CBS News article, Lieutenant Colonel Morgan learned to specifically work with veterans suffering from PTSD by taking a class “Mindful Yoga Therapy for Veterans Coping with Trauma” through The Veterans Yoga Project.

If you are having trouble viewing the CBS News video, you can see it here.

Do you practice yoga?

In late 2012 it was reported that more that 20 million Americans practice yoga. How about you?

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