Cottonwood Tucson’s Sustainability Team Enjoys Bi-Yearly Roadway Clean Up!

We at Cottonwood Tucson ultimately believe we can be, indeed must be responsible not only to the needs of our patients but to the community and world in which we live.

Sweetwater Drive undergoes its bi-yearly clean-up

If you live in the Tucson, AZ, area or are a visitor to this part of the country, it is very likely that you’ll enjoy driving throughout the Saguaro National Park or Tucson Mountain Park. One of the roadways used to access these parks is Sweetwater Drive and as you turn on to the road you are welcomed by an Adopt-A-Roadway sign recognizing Cottonwood’s Sustainability Team.

Twice yearly members of our Sustainability Team gather together to ensure that Sweetwater Drive remains beautiful and welcoming to all who pass along this way. And so it was this past Saturday, November 7, 2015, seven members of our Cottonwood team ventured out to pick up not only accumulated trash, but also recyclable materials. Their efforts produced six large bags of trash and one large bag of recyclables. Team member Leslie Weichelt points out, “This cleanup helps our community and the environment, is great exercise and at every cleanup we get to know some of our co-workers better as we chat while cleaning up the roadway.”

All in all, a job well done!

More about our Sustainability Team

Cottonwood Tucson’s Sustainability Team has a specific mission:

The Sustainability Team of
Cottonwood seeks to provide support and direction to ensure that the
Cottonwood community lives in balance, harmony, and wholeness with the
environment while utilizing best practices for economic
Cottonwood Tucson’s Sustainability Team volunteers November 7, 2015

Cottonwood Tucson is located in Pima County, Arizona. It was in 1992 that Pima County established the Adopt-A-Roadway (AAR) program. And it was in 2009 when Cottonwood’s staff determined that they wanted to do more for their immediate environment at Cottonwood by becoming environmentally aware and responsible and at the same time impacting our
patients’ recovery and helping them to learn to live on this planet with dignity,
integrity, and respect. And so it was that we applied to the AAR program and adopted a two mile stretch of the scenic Sweetwater Drive.

Together we do make a difference. 

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