Sleep Tips to Quiet Your Mind and Strengthen Your Recovery

“There are few opportunities for quiet reflection, so is there any surprise that the first moment there are no distractions (once your head hits the pillow on your bed) you would start having your inner dialogue?” noted a sleep doctor to Reddit users.
It’s a valid point – and it likely resonates even more for those in recovery. Did you ever lie awake with your mind racing – whether over past mistakes, current recovery tasks, relationships, or future goals? Unfortunately, for those both in active addiction and in recovery (and for 50 to 70 millions Americans) sleep is not always a simple task.
The National Sleep Foundation recommends setting aside 30 minutes to engage in a relaxing activity before bedtime – but which sober activities will work? Is it reading, coloring, or meditating? You’ll likely need to experiment in order to find what best helps quiet your mind. In the meantime, these tips from the sleep doctor on Reddit may work double-duty: helping to improve your sleep and strengthen your recovery. Here’s why.
Meditate: In addition to teaching you to recognize and let go of racing thoughts, practicing mediation may quell stress, cravings, triggers, and self-criticism.
Write in a diary: Scribbling down your thoughts and feelings is a great exercise to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your recovery obstacles and goals.
Pray: The mental health benefits are plentiful, including stronger emotional health, decreased anxiety and depression, improved learning and memory, and increased happiness and emotional stability.
Plan your daily agenda: Having a clear list of what to do and when can help keep your recovery on track, especially during those first 90 days when you’re most at risk for relapse.
Relapse Prevention at Cottonwood
Establishing healthy behaviors will only serve to prevent relapse. At Cottonwood, each patient completes a personal relapse prevention plan that includes the names of support persons and their phone numbers, a daily and weekly living schedule, critical relapse warning signs and viable management techniques for each. To learn more, call: (888) 727-0441.

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