Online Pharmacy Scam

There is a new problem sweeping across the nation where people are being blackmailed because they tried to buy prescription drugs online. There are thousands of online pharmacies that offer the lowest prices and appear to be legitimate, but, there have been a number of cases where people who use online pharmacies have been taken advantage of.

According to Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officials, criminal scam artists are selling prescription drugs online, and then using customers’ personal information to blackmail them.

The DEA believes the operation is being run out of the Dominican Republic. The agency is working with the Dominican government to have 11 suspects extradited to the United States.

The DEA warned Americans to be wary of online pharmacies. “I think that’s one of the takeaways for people to understand, that buying over the Internet for controlled substances is highly suspicious, and they should be very cautious about trying to do that,” DEA agent Gary Boggs told ABC News.

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