Change is often a gradual process and does not occur overnight. Individuals who struggle with significant, life-interfering behavior problems are desperate for change to happen quickly. Their relationships or careers may hang on the precipice with the promise of further damage, should problems continue. As eager as someone may be to experience change and healing, they may continue to hold on to denial about their struggles or fail to recognize how their behavior might be impacting them or others in their life. This lack of insight may be a barrier for recovery and prevent a person from making changes to improve the quality of their life. While change is necessary, it is often difficult for people to begin the process of changing old behaviors.
Research-based theories, such as the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM), suggest that change occurs in stages. In TMM, there are five identified stages of change: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Termination. TMM proposes that education is a necessary element of the change process. Education helps individuals begin to develop a deeper understanding of specific problems and what steps might be necessary to initiate life changes.
Education is a crucial aspect of treatment at Cottonwood Tucson. Individuals receive regular opportunities for education throughout the course of treatment. Patients are invited to attend daily psychoeducational groups and lectures relevant to issues in recovery. Additionally, patients receive education during treatment about their health, diagnosis, medication, and recovery challenges.
Patients who receive regular education about various aspects of their recovery are far better prepared to navigate life after treatment and more willing to initiate changes in their thoughts or behaviors. Education can also eliminate barriers such as judgment, fear, shame, and denial, creating the necessary framework for sobriety and healing.