Alcohol Driving Deaths Report

The holidays for most people are often a time of partying and jubilee, when people who do not normally consume a lot of alcohol end up drinking more. Consumption of alcohol can go from having a good time with one’s peers to a tragedy in a matter of seconds when one decides to get behind the wheel too intoxicated. Time and time again alcohol has proven itself to be extremely hazardous by impairing one’s judgement making it easier for fatal decisions to be made.

A new report conducted by the government has come back with some startling figures that reinforce just how dangerous alcohol actually is. In 2010, an estimated 31 percent of driving deaths were linked to alcohol compared with nine percent of deaths caused by distracted driving. When it comes to driving related deaths alcohol is clearly the number one killer.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s report found that overall, highway deaths fell last year to the lowest level in six decades despite the fact that Americans are driving more than ever, The Wall Street Journal reports. A total of 32,885 people died in vehicle crashes in the United States last year, with 10,228 related to alcohol. Fortunately, driving deaths linked to alcohol fell 4.9 percent from 2009 to 2010. The number of alcohol-impaired drivers in deadly crashes decreased for most vehicle types, with the largest decline being among drivers of pickup trucks.

If you are going to be partying and plan on driving, it is always a safe bet to take a cab home no matter how much alcohol you consume. In a number of cities across the country, there are services provided to give intoxicated people a ride home for free. Not having enough money for a cab is never a good excuse to drive drunk. It’s just not worth the risk!

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