At Cottonwood Tucson, we pride ourselves on our internationally respected co-occurring disorders program. Frequently, substance abuse and another condition, such as depression, occur together – this known as a co-occurring disorder. As a first step to determine whether there is a need for co-occurring disorder treatment, each patient who enters Cottonwood participates in a detailed medical and psychiatric assessment, including a thorough physical examination with our medical staff.
This medical workup and diagnosis becomes an ongoing part of their treatment plan. Each patient is also evaluated by the Cottonwood therapy staff, which includes a bio-psycho social assessment for underlying mental health issues other than what is considered to be the primary problem. Presenting co-occurring issues could include: drug or alcohol dependency and: depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mood disorders. If left unattended, these problems frequently manifest into major mental health concerns, which increase in chronicity and frequency. Assessing co-occurring disorders early and addressing them during treatment brings awareness and the potential for resolution. Much of this work will be continued after treatment, following a dialogue between Cottonwood and the patient’s therapist.
Cottonwood’s co-occurring disorders program has proven to have a positive effect on preventing relapse after alcohol and drug treatment. Cottonwood can also makes quick assessments of co-occurring disorders through our Cottonwood Assessment Program (CAP), CAP is a 4 day intensive inpatient assessment program providing a comprehensive evaluation that will focus on the specific needs of the individual. For more comprehensive information on our co-occurring disorder treatment, we encourage you to explore our addiction and behavioral health programs or contact us at any time.