Why Should I Go To Treatment In The Desert?

Why Should I Go To Treatment In The Desert?

Our treatment facility at Cottonwood Tucson has a unique location in the Sonoran Desert, sharing a striking landscape that stretches all the way to Mexico. Why did we pick this location for a residential treatment facility? The desert, especially the deserts of Arizona, have many unique benefits. Arizona’s desert history is rich with spirituality and exploration with thousands of years of history living within the land. Our remote location and weather conditions create a certain barrier to keep clients safe. Sunsets and sunrises in the desert are incomparable to any other landscape. There are many benefits for mental and physical health to spending time living in the desert as well.

The air has better quality

Deserts tend to be relatively abandoned. Any population in the desert is sparse and where there is population, there is a small density, surrounded by endless miles of open landscape. As a result, the air is more pure and free from pollutants.

Desert heat is detoxifying

The lack of moisture in the desert and the high amount of heat helps the body sweat and detoxify. Arid desert environments can help relieve tension and pain in the joints, which is common during the stage of withdrawal from drugs and alcohol.

Desert heat is conducive to healing

Less moisture in the air means less pollutants and toxins like mold, pollens, and other airborne problems. Open wounds, healing scars, and other risks for illness are healed more quickly in the desert.

Vast emptiness equals silence

It can take time to adjust to the silence of the desert. Adapting to just the sounds of the air and small desert animals, you learn to appreciate the silence and calm the desert has to offer. People in recovery are often high-energy or have a  lot of rapid thoughts. Learning to pray, meditate, practice mindfulness, and create an inner sense of calm, clients can take cues from their natural environment to be still.

Sunshine is a health supplement

Without mountains full of forests, marine fog, rain storms, and other sun-inhibitors, the desert gets plenty of sunshine, which is part of why the desert is so hot. Days full of sunshine encourages regulation of the natural circadian rhythm, a healthy production of melatonin, and an increase Vitamin D. Sleep, regulated hormones, and Vitamin D all contribute to feelings of happiness and wellbeing- two essential components for a successful recovery.

Critically acclaimed for excellence in treating co-occurring disorders, Cottonwood Tucson takes an integrative approach, guiding clients in healing mind and body along a spiritual journey of growth. Call us today for information about our internationally recognized residential treatment programs.

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