At Cottonwood Tucson, we are dedicated to providing innovative and evidence-based holistic behavioral health treatment in an environment characterized by safety and respect for patients, family members and staff. Our commitment is to exceed community standards in the professional practice of medicine, nursing and psychotherapy and to operate our facility in a way that demonstrates respect and responsibility to our patients and employees.
Recovery success is what has made Cottonwood Tucson’s residential treatment facility in Arizona a leader in the field of alcoholism and drug addiction treatment. Located in the beautiful and dramatic Sonoran Desert area of Tucson, Arizona, it is the perfect environment to deal with recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction and other behavioral problems involving addiction. Frequently one’s chemical dependency is coupled with a psychiatric or emotional illness. Cottonwood Tucson’s staff is trained to effectively manage these co-occurring disorders by designing an individualized treatment program for each client. Our co-occurring disorder treatment is considered by many to be among the finest in the field of addiction and recovery. Many of us have felt the same pains and problems you may be experiencing. Some of us have histories of depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, co-dependency, trauma, as well as other issues. For each of us, our greatest growth has come through pain and learning how to overcome it.
Through facing and understanding the problems in our lives, we have become happy, confident people. But that does not mean we are problem-free. The happy demeanor you will see within us is a direct result of the effort we have put into developing personal programs that bring balance to our lives.
We have discovered contentment, balance and joy and are eager to share the keys to that experience with you. We believe that nowhere in the world is there a better place to make the discovery of your happy, productive self than with us at Cottonwood’s holistic inpatient treatment center.