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man standing in front of window in jail cell - incarceration

Rehabilitation VS Incarceration

Veterans Treatment Court Here are some startling statistics regarding our veterans, as provided by the Justice for Vets organization: Veterans make up one-third of homeless in America. 67,000 veterans live on the streets at any given time The majority of homeless vets suffer from mental illness, substance use and abuse, and co-occurring disorders like depression,...
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American flag flying on pole

Remembering Senator Frank Lautenberg And His Work On Public Health Issues

“People at .08 are too impaired to drive. Studies show that at .08, the ability to perform critical driving functions is decreased by as much as 60 percent.” Senator Frank Lautenberg Remembering Senator Frank Lautenberg On Monday, June 3, 2013, Senator Frank Lautenberg died from complications due to pneumonia. A five term senator, Lautenberg was...
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Treating The Whole Person ~ Pentagon Offers Yoga For Veterans Suffering From PTSD

Treating the whole person… At Cottonwood Tucson, our philosophy of care presumes that physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of life are closely interconnected and equally important to the overall health and wellness of a human being. We believe that achieving and maintaining good health requires more than just treating the disease or disorder. Our...
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CARF - Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities NATSAP | National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs NAADAC newsweekpsych armor certified- veteran ready