
Veterans & Military
American flag flying at someone's home - war within

Fighting “The War Within” ~ One Day At A Time!

Peace Agreements don’t always settle The War Within This month we observed Memorial Day and while each conflict conducted with our active military personnel and veterans usually concludes with a peace agreement often the written accords do not settle  The War Within. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers experts’ observations regarding the occurrence of...
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Father’s Plea ~ “NOT ONE MORE!”

Snowpack accumulation at 14,255 ft. on Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Stranded on the ledge… ‘Officials say [Samuel]Frappier was “in an extremely precarious location on the east face of Longs Peak at roughly 13,000 feet.” He was not injured but said he could not go up or down. Frappier,...
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The Wall That Heals

Memorial Day ~ 2014 This year Memorial Day is May 26th. For the past couple of years we have published a post just before the Memorial Day weekend sharing some historical and current information. Last year we focused  on those who served and perished during and as a result of their service in World War...
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Fort Hood: “Circumstances Remain Very Fluid”

Fort Hood shooting incident leads the news Last evening breaking news carried the horrific story of another mass shooting at Fort Hood, Texas. From about 4:30PM Central Daylight Time (CDT) and on through today the news media has been covering the story of Army Spec. Ivan Lopez and his, as yet not fully understood, assault...
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US Congress building

Excellence In Mental Health Act ~ A Big Step Forward

Excellence In Mental Health Act: S264 and HR1263 pass in both houses This headline might surprise you. Both the US Senate and the House of Representatives have found common ground to pass the Excellence In Mental Health Act. Last week the House of Representatives voted in the affirmative and on Monday, March 31, 2014, the...
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man watching news on tablet - collateral damage

Collateral Damage: Our Childrens’ “War Torn” Mental Health

Do you ever watch CBS News Sunday Morning? CBS News Sunday Morning actually debuted 35 years ago this past January. It has a 90 minute format and was designed to invite their viewers to sit down, relax and enjoy the broadcast as if you were reading a magazine. Each segment can run anywhere from 10...
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Army STARRS Data: Researchers Uncover Alarming Stats

English: Dr. Charles Hoge, Walter Reed Army Institute of research and Brig. Gen. Colleen L. McGuire, director, Army Suicide Prevention Task Force, discussed suicide, post traumatic stress disorder, and the social stigma that prevents Soldiers with PTSD from stepping forward to get treated, during a panel presentation called “Surviving and Thriving in Harm’s Way,” September...
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man standing in front of window in jail cell - incarceration

Rehabilitation VS Incarceration

Veterans Treatment Court Here are some startling statistics regarding our veterans, as provided by the Justice for Vets organization: Veterans make up one-third of homeless in America. 67,000 veterans live on the streets at any given time The majority of homeless vets suffer from mental illness, substance use and abuse, and co-occurring disorders like depression,...
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Mindfulness: Listen To The Soundtrack Of The City

Listening to life… Do you still wait for the sound of the daily newspaper being tossed in your driveway or dropped at your front door? Do you look forward to receiving your favorite weekly or monthly magazine? For that matter, do you ever sit down and watch your favorite weekly television show in its assigned...
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the White House in Washington, DC

Pause To Remember John F Kennedy And How We Survived November 22, 1963

How we survived November 22, 1963 If you are at least 55 years old, then there is a pretty good chance you have vivid memories of where you were and who you were with when you first learned that President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated. Today we are pausing to remember and acknowledge  the...
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