
mental illness

Patrick Kennedy: A Common Struggle – A Conspiracy of Silence

It’s time to talk about addiction in a different way. It is time for the nation to treat addiction and mental illness in the same way as we do other potentially debilitating diseases. At the forefront of changing the dialogue about addiction is former Congressman Patrick Kennedy, the son of the late Senator Ted Kennedy....
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Empathy and Compassion to Fight Mental Illness

Time and time again, Americans are forced to confront what can happen when mental illness goes untreated. Every year, shocking stories about horrific events involving someone suffering from mental illness flash across our television screens. As a nation, we all sit aghast at the tragedies which unfold at the hands of the mentally ill, and...
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Childhood Mental Health Disorders May Lead to Adulthood Issues

A new study suggests that children diagnosed with mental health disorders are more likely to experience problems in adulthood. Researchers from Duke University found that children with a mental illness were six times more likely to have trouble as young adults, compared to those without psychiatric disorders, a news release from Duke Medicine reports. The...
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Taking Antipsychotics Without A Diagnosed Mental Health Disorder

In the field of addiction treatment, medications are sometimes used off-label in place of medications that can be habit forming. While drugs like Seroquel XR ® (Quetiapine ER), an atypical antipsychotic, have been approved for treating schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression, the drug has proven beneficial and is commonly used off-label to treat anxiety...
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Breaking Down The Stigma of Mental Illness

Despite mental illness affecting millions of Americans, there is a lot of stigma surrounding the disease. While we have come a long way with breaking down the stigma that accompanies mental illness, there are still plenty of misconceptions that people have about conditions such as bipolar disorder and depression. It is quite difficult for people...
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Suicide In Rural America: Isolation, Stigma and Firearms

Have you ever lived in a rural community? Rural America can be simultaneously beautiful and isolating. You might find this to be an unusual question. Have you ever lived in a rural community? Based on the 2010 census only 19.3% of the U.S. population lived in rural areas, while 80.7% of the population resided in...
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Campaign To Change Direction, Give An Hour and Easter Seals

Are you ready to join the Campaign to Change Direction? Click to Enlarge This week a number of people and organizations are talking about the Campaign to Change Direction. According to the website: “The Change Direction initiative is a collection of concerned citizens, nonprofit leaders, and leaders from the private sector who have come together...
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Guilt And Mental Illness – Could There Be A Link?

“The human capacity for guilt is such that people can always find ways to blame themselves.” Stephen Hawking, The Grand Design Longitudinal study examines excessive guilt Researchers at Washington University of St. Louis have been conducting a 12-year longitudinal study to determine if there is a connection between childhood guilt and eventual onset of mental...
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Depression: One Scientist Raises An Infectious Disease Theory

Depression is in the news, again… It’s true; depression is in the news, again. If you take a few minutes and google the word depression in today’s news you’ll see the following headlines. Laughing gas could treat depression Scientists are using Twitter data to track depression 5 Ways Fast Food Worsens Your Depression Diabetes and...
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Mental Illness Awareness Week – It’s Time To Get Involved

Mental Illness Awareness Week – October 5 – 11, 2014 Yes, it’s true…once again it’s time to get involved. It is time to realize that 1 in 4 American Adults and 1 in 5 children will experience mental illness this year. Think about it this way, if you are an adult sitting in a room...
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