

Survey Says: Teens Are Drinking, Smoking, and Drugging On Or Near Campus

       Joseph A. Califano, Jr. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The start of a new high school year is always an anxious time. Students are anxious about their school schedule, their classes, meeting new students, participating in school activities…and fitting in. Parents are anxious, too, about what the school year will bring for their children....
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Ron Welch at Cottonwood

Cottonwood Tucson Celebrates 25 years of Recovery!

Cottonwood Tucson Celebrates 25 years of Recovery! The early years… Cottonwood de Tucson was founded in 1987 by a group of recovering individuals. Their vision was to create a world-class treatment center in Tucson, and then use that model in building other centers in key areas around the country. The treatment model they developed was...
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Do You Think About Gambling? Want To Bet?

It’s a simple question. “Do you think about gambling?” Maybe the better question is: “How often do you think about gambling?” Don’t be too quick to answer. Consider where you work. Do you have pools for such things as March Madness or the Super Bowl Game? Do you ever “go-in” on the purchase of a...
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Pinterest and Eating Disorders

English: Red Pinterest logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) How many social networks do you belong to? Perhaps you have a Facebook profile, maybe a Twitter account, LinkedIn professional profile…the sheer number of social networking platforms is mind boggling and more are introduced it seems every few weeks. It has been almost a year since Google+ was...
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The Meth Project

Methamphetamine use in America continues to be a growing concern especially regarding teenage users. There have been a number of organizations that have aimed their focus on giving methamphetamine a bad name, showing the true colors of the drug and what it can do to you. One such program is called The Meth Project, a...
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