

Clean Start Act for Addiction Recovery

If it were possible to conduct a flash survey which asked one question of people working a program of addiction recovery, “who in this room has a criminal record?” More times than not, a significant number of those asked would answer “yes.” You may be thinking that it would be a rhetorical question, along the...
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Transcendental Meditation for PTSD

Tran·scen·den·tal Med·i·ta·tion ™ noun a technique for detaching oneself from anxiety and promoting harmony and self-realization by meditation, repetition of a mantra, and other yogic practices, promulgated by an international organization founded by the Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ( c. 1911–2008). In circles of recovery around the globe, the practice of prayer and meditation...
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Drugs, Alcohol and Athletics

If you were to look back on memories of high school and college, you can probably remember where you fit into the social order. Maybe you were in the glee or debate club, perhaps you hung with the intellectuals or played team sports. Or maybe you were not interested in any of that, choosing to...
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Contingency Management Addiction Treatment

When you were growing up, there is a good chance that your parents rewarded you for good behaviors. Such rewards would reinforce your desire to continue the same pattern in the future. Completed chores were probably rewarded with an allowance and following directions were likely rewarded with your parents exhibiting greater trust in your ability...
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Marijuana Puts Baby At Risk

Abstaining from all mind-altering substances during pregnancy is generally considered to be the safest course of action for any expectant mother. The warnings are pasted on bottles of alcohol and printed on cigarette packs. Taverns typically post disclaimers about the potential harmful effects that alcohol can have on a fetus. And now, in the wake...
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Prescription Opioid Distributors Settle

When compiling a list of all the entities and groups of people who had a hand in the American opioid addiction epidemic, bring a lot of paper and ink. From pharmaceutical companies (manufacturing) to pharmacies (distributing), there is a lot going on in between. Doctors, prescribing nurses, emergency rooms would certainly have a place on...
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Recovery Support for Musicians

People who make a living in the music industry are no strangers to drugs and alcohol. One could even argue that mind-altering substances go hand-in-hand with being in a band. Playing concerts in different cities around the world can put a lot of stress on individuals, not to mention the anxiety that often arises from...
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VNS Therapy for Addiction

If you were to ask a recovering alcoholic or addict if they wished that they made different associations in their brain when they thought about a drink or a drug, they would probably say “yes.” Those in recovery from addiction have unhealthy relationships with certain substances. And even after drugs or alcohol negatively impact their...
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Medical Marijuana With Addiction Recovery?

The majority of addiction recovery modalities utilized around that world advocate for complete abstinence. Simply put, no matter what substance you became addicted to, it is best that you refrain from the use of any mind-altering substance. Not only do people who meet the criteria for addiction have a propensity to become dependent on another...
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Nonmedical Use of Prescription Stimulants Affect On GPA

On college campuses across America, students frequently engage in non-prescribed stimulant use for a number of reasons. Young adults in college commonly take drugs, like Adderall and Ritalin, in order to get an edge for studying or test taking. Others will take the drugs on the weekend in order to gain energy for prolonged partying....
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CARF - Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities NATSAP | National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs NAADAC newsweek