
addiction recovery
person writing in journal

Keeping a Meditation Journal

A meditation practice can help you manage a number of aspects in life. Whether you need a moment of calm in an otherwise busy day or have a deeper intention for cultivating stillness, meditating provides a safe space. When someone “practices” meditation, he or she is continually learning. It’s a never-ending journey, with many pivotal...
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coffee date

Choosing to Share Your Addiction Story

One of the hardest aspects of pursuing life without addiction is determining how much to share with others. There are many situations when it’s evident you’re following a different path. It’s important to remember that ownership over your recovery story gives you agency to understand what the truth means to you, what questions you’ll answer...
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elephant in room

The White Elephant

The White Elephant   The term white elephant refers to a large obstacle that one tries to get around. It also means that there is a big issue that everyone is aware of but chooses to ignore. The white elephant in the room has been used in substance abuse treatment and recovery to describe the...
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meditating at sunset

What Is the Connection Between Spirituality and Recovery?

What Is the Connection Between Spirituality and Recovery?   Many people begin recovery and do not know what spirituality is even though those in 12-step meetings talk about it and others talk openly about their relationship with their higher power. What does this mean for you? If you are not a religious person, an understanding...
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How Do I Mourn the Loss of Drugs or Alcohol?

How Do I Mourn the Loss of Drugs or Alcohol? It may seem strange but when an alcoholic or drug addict stops the use of drugs or alcohol, there is a period of mourning that occurs.  The mourning has to do with the loss of a friend that has stood by you for months or...
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8 Ways Life Will Change After Going to Treatment

Following treatment, one can begin to experience positive changes in physical, emotional, and psychological health.  Here are eight ways life can change following treatment. 1.    You will experience emotional regulation.  Your emotions will be less exaggerated and you might feel that you have some control over your emotions.  This is an important consideration because when...
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Yoga Practice for Addiction Recovery

Regular yoga practice teaches practitioners to be mindful of the present moment. Novice yoga practitioners will frequently exhibit skepticism or defensiveness when they are instructed to be “mindful” of their surroundings and circumstances. The challenge of getting past this skepticism can be even more difficult for an addict whose addiction has fostered an ingrained negativity....
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What Does Taking an Integrative Approach to Treatment Mean?

To integrate means to unify separate things. For many years mental health has been seen as purely mental health, ignoring the possibility that what happens in the brain could affect any other area of life. The brain is the epicenter of life, the hub of everything that makes a human a human. In the brain...
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Benefits Of Therapy During and After Treatment

Regularly seeing a therapist is a normal part of recovery for most people who go to treatment. Everyone who goes to treatment will see an individual therapist as well as work with multiple group therapists. Part of discharge planning, as well as working through transitional levels of treatment, includes incorporating therapy into part of recovery...
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You’re Completely In Control Of Your Feelings

When you’re struggling with a mental health condition which is often ultimately defined by not being in complete control, or any control, over feelings and symptoms, it is hard to believe the opposite. It is the lack of control which takes place during active episode of mental health that make us forget that we are...
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